‘Bid The Gods Arise’: Superior Space Fantasy

“Bid the Gods Arise” is a genuinely original space fantasy.
on Feb 4, 2013 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

Bid the Gods Arise author Robert Mullin sent me a manuscript of his novel “Bid the Gods Arise” a while back, and I read it and provided the following blurb:

Bid the Gods Arise possesses the music of epic and the color of myth. It’s a big story, spanning planets, but with a specific human heart. Once read, it lingers in the mind like a dream.

It’s not uncommon for me to receive manuscripts from people who’d like me to read and comment on them. It’s very rare that I can say much good. “Bid the Gods Arise” is an exception. A genuinely original work, it combines fantasy with interstellar travel far more successfully than you imagine it could.

The story involves two young men, Aric and Maurin, who are kidnapped from their home planet by interstellar slave merchants. Separated and sent to very different fates, they meet again at last and join with a company of others on a quest which involves both Aric’s true destiny and his greatest temptation.

This is a really good book, a Christian fantasy novel with no preaching. I recommend it.

(Originally published at BrandywineBooks.net.)

Lars Walker lives in Minneapolis. He is the author of several fantasy novels, published both conventionally and as e-books. His latest novel, Hailstone Mountain, is part of his series The Saga of Erling Skjalgsson and was released in e-book form in March 2013. He works as a librarian and Norwegian translator, and blogs at BrandyWineBooks.net. His website is LarsWalker.com, and his Facebook group is Lars Walker's Viking Thing.
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