A Little Spec Silliness In Your Stocking

Okay, so my last post two weeks ago probably made me sound a little . . . haughty, maybe? A little stuck up?
I’m sorry. My bad.
It’s not that I don’t like Christmas. I do. But for a pastor, Christmas is usually a stressful time with lots of extra (let’s put it simply) work. Most people count down to Christmas. I usually count down to when it’s over.
But that’s not to say that there aren’t things I find amusing. I have a tradition that, every Christmas season, I have to watch two very specific movies: MST3K’s Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and MST3K’s Santa Claus. While they’re both wonderfully ridiculous, the latter is probably my favorite of the two. I mean, you can’t beat a Mexican kids movie where Santa Claus fights the Devil. Seriously. If you can, check that out. It’s a classic.
I also have a soft spot for silly songs. And my early Christmas present to you are a few of the silliest I’ve found in recent months.
Since I’ve already brought up MST3K, let’s start there. In their classic episode, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Joel and the ‘bots write a new Christmas carol based on Patrick Swayze’s movie, Roadhouse (which had just been released shortly before the episode was filmed). In honor of MST3K’s 25th anniversary, a choir performed the song in all of its glory. Just a word to the wise, there is a bit of salty language in it:
And you may have seen this one already, but I have to share it anyway:
In all seriousness, I may be a week early, but I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas.
Unless you’re the Doctor. We all know what kind of Christmas you’re going to have.
Hi John! Great blog! What an interesting double life you lead. My oldest son (12 yrs.) and I are looking forward to reading “Failstate” over Christmas break. Superheroes–awesome! Fantasy–even better! The fact that I met you at the ACFW conference and my son hasn’t–fun to rub it in a little. 🙂
NOT OKAY! Seriously, totally, and completely not okay. You can’t just say something like that and walk away.
Agreed. Too soon.
Brother Otte, you’re fired.
It hasn’t even happened yet and it’s still too soon.
I don’t know. I think a whole lot of people are with you in the “counting down to when it’s over” category. Once we become cynical adults, Christmas is generally something we survive.