A Mommy/Youth Pastoring/Writer’s Way To Go About Creating and Populating Fantasy Worlds

Editorial Note: Mary Weber is the author of the Storm Siren Trilogy, a young adult fantasy published by Thomas Nelson. Her debut novel Storm Siren released last August and the second in the series, Siren’s Fury, is due out in June.
In a world at war, a slave girl’s lethal curse could become one kingdom’s weapon of salvation. If the curse—and the girl—can be controlled.
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Okay . . . so I’m going to confess right off the bat that while I’ve been a mom for 15 years, a youth pastor for 8, and a writer for almost 9, I’ve only been published for 7 months (a wonderfully amazing adventure, yes! And admittedly slightly less terrifying than showing up to one’s prom in a speedo). Meaning I’m a bit new at this whole writing blog-posts-that-sound-like-I-actually-know-anything about anything. (In fact, let’s just clear the air and say that I don’t.)
However, I was thinking to maybe address one of the comments that most often comes my way when people discover I’m a writer of the fantasy persuasion. Which is: “Ooh, you write fantasy? How do you invent your own world with creatures and such?”
(Slight interruption here to say that the only-slightly-MORE-often-voiced comment is, “Huh. You look a lot fancier in your online pictures.” This is usually combined with a glance at my frizzed hair that looks like Chewbacca kissed a taser. But whatevs. Ahem.)
Anyhow, the creation of a fantasy world is a fantastic question – and one that, three books in, I’m still trying to figure out how to go about answering smartly. Because if you’re anything like me—TIME is an issue.
Thus, inevitably my world and character building happens in the midst of running this cute ewok and his sisters to school.
And also while I’m at work.
With teens.
And more awesome teens.
Before I head back home to sit at my desk. But just then these two start crowing outside my window reminding me they need food (meet Lord Voldemort and Draewulf).
Then somehow it’s suddenly evening time, and I’m reading to child number 3.
Or chatting with Wolverine (my husband) about that one time someone really DID wear a speedo to prom.
Before curling up for a few quiet minutes to delve into other people’s made-up characters and worlds.
So that . . . admittedly, by the end of the day when I sit back down to think about books and people and writing . . . there’s often not much left to give to the page.
At least until the characters I know in real life (my pokemon-loving kid, ewok boy, the teens, and more teens, and Wolverine) force their way out of my soul to settle themselves into the stories. As if they’ve been waiting there all along, whispering, “Well, hello there. Long time no see! What book are we writing today?”
Thus, with that in mind . . .
I guess my answer to the creating fantasy question is—I’m not sure I ever do. I think rather it’s the characters I already know who help write it. And in doing so, they help to shape and create me. :0)
~ M
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BIO: MARY WEBER is a ridiculously uncoordinated girl plotting to take over make-believe worlds through books, handstands, and imaginary throwing knives. Her recently released debut, STORM SIREN (Thomas Nelson, HarperCollins), was endorsed by New York Times bestselling authors Jay Asher and Marissa Meyer and touted to fans of Game of Thrones and the Lunar Chronicles by School Library Journal Teen. In her spare time, she feeds unicorns, sings 80’s hairband songs to her three muggle children, and ogles her husband who looks strikingly like Wolverine. They live in California, which is perfect for stalking L.A. bands, Joss Whedon, and the ocean. You can geek out with her on FACEBOOK: Mary Weber, Author, TWITTER: @mchristineweber, and INSTAGRAM: @maryweberauthor.
I love your book, Mary! Can’t wait for the next one!