Another Marcher Lord: Kathy Tyers

The author of multiple Star Wars novels and the sci-fi trilogy Firebird, Kathy Tyers, is coming to Christian fantasy-and-sci-fi indie publisher Marcher Lord Press. This comes from (among other sources) From yesterday: As [Marcher Lord Press’s] publisher and acquisitions […]
on Aug 3, 2010 · 4 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

The author of multiple Star Wars novels and the sci-fi trilogy Firebird, Kathy Tyers, is coming to Christian fantasy-and-sci-fi indie publisher Marcher Lord Press.

This comes from (among other sources) From yesterday:

As [Marcher Lord Press’s] publisher and acquisitions editor, Gerke long pursued Tyers, trying to sign her for Marcher Lord Press. But in the end it was the Marcher Lord Press authors and books, not Gerke’s efforts, that swayed Tyers’s heart.

“I read several excellent novels that were recently released by Marcher Lord Press,” she said, “and I decided this was the best place to finish the Firebirdseries. I’m delighted to be part of a great and growing team.”

Firebird is one of the first science-fiction novel series with Christ-honoring themes that I ever read, and I loved it.

Now, if things go as planned, Firebird fans will find even more novels coming in the no-longer-a-trilogy, published by Marcher Lord. Also, you may want to wait on re-reading the already published novels: Marcher Lord is also planning a Special Extended Edition-style treatment of the trilogy, an “author’s preferred version.”

So what do you make of the promise of a coming “author’s preferred version” of the Firebird trilogy? What about the new novels?

And now that almost any Christian publisher’s rare foray into speculative fiction is limited to fantasy (perhaps another Narnia-like series), what, if any, future might there be in Christian markets for Christ-honoring science fiction?

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launched in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Kathy says:

    This is great news! I very much enjoy the original 3 books and would love to read an author’s preferred version. While the original 3 are a fairly complete storyline in themselves, I would hope that however many books she chooses to write, the storylines are permitted to be wrapped up by the final book. That way there are no hanging storylines.

  2. MLP already has published a number of science fiction titles. It will be interesting to see if a popular and well-known author like Kathy Tyer can draw more attention to the ones already available.


  3. […] one of the much talked of pieces of news is Kathy Tyers, author of Firebird, signing with Marcher Lord Press, but that’s not what I […]

  4. I LOVE Kathy Tyers writing. How exciting that she is joining Marcher Press. I look forward with great anticipation to her new books!

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