Christian Geek Central Brings SpecFaith To YouTube

Christian Geek Central’s first YouTube video based on a Speculative Faith article arrived this week, based on Zachary D. Totah’s Jan. 26 article Engaging Entertainment with Intention.
on Apr 7, 2016 · 1 reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

Christian Geek Central’s first YouTube video based on a Speculative Faith article arrived this week:

Capt. Picard - ENGAGEThe video is based on Zachary D. Totah’s Jan. 26 article Engaging Entertainment with Intention.

This follows a few months of delays after we announced the Christian Geek Central/Speculative Faith partnership.

As Christian Geek Central founder Paeter Frandsen announced:

About a year and a half ago I launched the Christian Geek Central Youtube channel as a companion to our website. My hope for Christian Geek Central has always been to add more and more voices aside from my own—voices that have a high view of scripture and a love for “geeky” entertainment.

A few months later I discovered SpecFaith and immediately became excited over the kind of thoughtful content produced here. I noticed that SpecFaith did not have a presence on Youtube and almost instantly saw potential for a God-honoring partnership. After talking with Stephen Burnett he seemed to see the same potential.

Going forward, you can expect to see video versions of select articles from SpecFaith on Christian Geek Central Youtube, as well as embedded here at SpecFaith. (Fear not! They will still be published here in text form first!) Our hope is that an entirely new audience will benefit from the content at SpecFaith and be drawn to what is happening both here and at Christian Geek Central.

I hope you’ll look forward to both experiencing and sharing SpecFaith content in a new way. And if you’re ever inclined, please stop by Christian Geek Central and say hello! You’ll find myself and a number of other geeks there who would love to connect with you more as we endeavor to both “geek out and seek the truth!”

Other recent Christian Geek Central videos include Paeter Frandsen’s review of one means of engaging stories:

Paeter Frandsen, a longtime DC superheroes fan, also loved the film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. He explains why in a video that Austin Gunderson and I happened to view right before we saw and loved the movie:

And Paeter also explores the broader question: Why did so many people both love and detest the movie?

See Christian Geek Central‘s website and subscribe to the Christian Geek Central channel on YouTube.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing.

Share your thoughts (and stay wholesome!)

  1. notleia says:

    Ehhh, I’m still skeptical of things that sounds like we need permission to enjoy things. Gnosticism is supposed to be a heresy, right? But I guess the dichotomy of flesh=bad, spiritual=good (THANKS, PAUL) is too embedded in Christian history/culture to go away.
    But I offer this linky:

What say you?