The Fandoms We Love

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If you’ve been on Facebook at all recently, you know Harry Potter turned 20. A major milestone for the series, and one fans are celebrating as happily as a sleep-deprived parent gulps down a Starbucks quad-shot Latte.
Wonder Woman continues to receive praise from fans and critics alike.
Doctor Who is well into yet another strong season full of exploration and imaginative storytelling.
Marvel, despite some weaker movies of late, remains a powerhouse, churning out the films and raking in the money.
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Why Fandoms Rock
Fandoms surround us, prevalent in all forms of media, and people are devouring the entertainment smorgasbord with glee. No matter what your taste, Fandomland has you taken care of.
There’s something inherent about fandoms that draws us in, rivets us, turns us from interested (or skeptical) outsiders to passionate fans. Actually, it’s a lot of somethings:
- The characters.
- The storylines.
- The thematic elements.
- The worlds.
- The way in which the stories reflect those of our lives and the world around us.
And it’s a beautiful, almost magical mix. Like the perfect batch of gooey, rich, chocolate-loaded brownies—only better.
That’s something to celebrate, to enjoy, to talk about.
Fandoms take us on adventures, away from life’s demands and stresses. They introduce us to fascinating characters. They spark our imagination with their worlds and creativity.
They give us memes and inside jokes and endless conversation topics. What’s not to love?
Fandoms Create a Richer World
What would the world be if our Fandoms didn’t exist?
A bleaker world, one without…
- Twu wuv and mawidge.
- Hobbits and “taters, precious.”
- Andriods, Vulcans, and Klingons.
- Starships and airships and Jack Sparrow’s ship.
- A world through a wardrobe.
- The order of the Jedi Knights.
Fandoms have become ingrained in pop culture. More than that, they’ve become part of who we are, perhaps more than we realize. They shape our experiences, challenge our thinking, reveal glimmers of truth.
Are they perfect? By no means.
Are they necessary? I would argue yes, to an extent.
Humans are, according to Tolkien, sub-creators, compelled to craft stories because they’re made in the image of the ultimate Storyteller.
Story is the language of generations, of cultures, of races, of history. Fandoms bring that universal nature of story to life in vibrant ways and form a context in which fans can share their excitement and feel a sense of camaraderie.
As readers and viewers, let us celebrate and appreciate our Fandoms.
As geeks, let us debate, critique, analyze, and speculate.
And as storytellers, let us create new fandoms, exercising our God-given talents to tell stories and glorify Him.
Because really, what would the world be without fandoms?
What are some of your favorite Fandoms and why?
Share your fantastical thoughts.