For Fans, Your Family, and the Church: Get the New Issue of Lorehaven Magazine

Shawn Smucker delights in magic at life’s margins, we review great new Christian fantasy, and fanservants seek the Psalms and discern YA’s allure.
on Jul 9, 2019 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

Subscribers can now download Lorehaven magazine’s summer 2019 issue.

If you haven’t already subscribed, it’s free. (Also be sure to add Monday–Friday updates for the SpecFaith portal.)

Here’s a preview of what’s inside, along with great sponsored ads showcasing the best in new Christian fantasy:

Captain’s Log

Wow. We really get all kinds of amazing books at Lorehaven.

A lot of these challenge my assumptions about Christian-made fantastical novels. . . .

Logic's End, Keith A. Robinson.Sponsored Review: Logic’s End

Have you ever tried to fathom the unfathomable number of stars and planets? Then guess what: life is rare. Thus, when NASA does discover another habitable planet, scientist Rebecca Evans is shaken by the possibilities. . . .

Book Reviews

  1. Ralene Burke’s Armor of Aletheia
  2. Jes Drew’s The Bachelor Missions
  3. Joan Campbell’s Chains of Gwyndorr
  4. K. Berklund-Pagé’s The Caves of Fire
  5. Ted Dekker’s The 49th Mystic
  6. Janelle Garrett’s The Hidden Queen
  7. John A. Pretorius’s Living in Times of Dragons
  8. Meg MacDonald’s Oath Sworn
  9. Esther Wallace’s The Savage War
  10. C. R. Flamingbush’s Speed of Sight
  11. Christa Conklin’s Tranquility
  12. Merrie Destefano’s Valiant

Light from Distant Stars, Shawn SmuckerFeatured Review: Light from Distant Stars

Light from Distant Stars is a Godsend. In the real world, we need more than platitudes or devotionals to help us heal. Instead, to start imagining our way through any family trauma, in the light of our Father and his truly good gifts, we need more fierce and compassionate stories like this one. . . .

‘I’ve Always Loved the Magic at the Margins’

“As a kid, you wonder if there really are gnomes or fairies, and you think you see them,” [novelist Shawn Smucker] said. “I really enjoy reading and writing stories that could be true, even though they’re fantastical . . . creating something that happens in this real world, but challenges the boundaries between real and magical or fantastical.” . . .

How the Psalms Reflect our Heart Desires

This biblical book of songs and poetry was written by contemplative, agonizing, creative people. Their passionate thoughts of anger, praise, despair, and joy were all given God’s stamp of approval. The psalmists get real, and God both welcomes and invites this realism.

Some psalms stand out to me as being especially applicable to geeks, given our strengths, weaknesses, and temperaments. . . .

Let’s Guard Against Temptations in YA Fiction

Many parents who don’t read the same books as their children aren’t aware of the amount of sexual content in modern young adult (YA) fiction.

Christian freedom allows for us all to draw the line in different places. But regardless of where your family places that barrier, books’ themes about sex and lust can challenge us about what we worship—either God or our own passions. . . .

About Lorehaven

Lorehaven serves Christian fans by finding biblical truth in fantastic stories. Book clubs, free webzines, and a web-based community offer flash reviews, articles, and news about Christian fantasy, science fiction, and other fantastical genres. Magazine print copies are available by request and at special events.

Explore more about advertising in Lorehaven magazine.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

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