Free Original Storyworld Ideas, Part 5: GameLit (and Animal Eye)

This post is going to do double–maybe triple–duty. Instead of offering up a specific story idea I’ve had that hasn’t been written, I’m gonna talk about a relatively new genre that readers of Speculative Faith might want to explore. And mention I’m publishing a story in this genre, GameLit, the novel Animal Eye, the latest from my friend Cindy Koepp.
But instead of me telling you, I’ve asked Cindy to tell you herself. She writes:
What is GameLit?

Cindy Koepp’s latest author pic.
GameLit is a relatively new genre of the speculative fiction realm that started in about 2012 in Russia (as a narrower subcategory of GameLit: LitRPG). The earliest novels in English were actually translated from Russian, but the genre is quickly growing in the English-speaking world. It involves telling a story from within a game universe. The main characters are playing a game, so the story tracks their progress through the quests, usually but not necessarily set in video games. They advance through levels and improve skills. The most recent Jumanji movies are examples of GameLit.
GameLit has a variety of subcategories ranging from statistic-heavy LitRPG or GameLit Crunchy to almost numerically deprived GameLit Lite. They can be science fiction, fantasy, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, or any other setting you could put a game in. The key is to tell the tale from within the game as a player who is actually playing. If related to a video game, as most GameLit stories are, there probably will be some aspect of Artificial Intelligence or advanced Virtual Reality that would relate to a broad definition of Cyberpunk (though maybe the story would only touch on that a bit).
Why GameLit?
Although you can find examples of tales that would be considered GameLit some time ago, the genre is coming into its own now (as seen in this website). The reader base is large and growing, and they’re looking for good books.

Transformation if the first of a popular series in Russia, translated into English. The kind of book that helped launch the GameLit genre. Copyright: Valery Starsky. (not a clean read)
That audience is dedicated to the genre. The audience is largely (but not nearly exclusively) young men who enjoy playing and reading about role-playing games, both the tabletop version with dice and character sheets and the computer versions with online quests and scenarios. Some stories are quite racy (for example, “Harem” is a subgenre of GameLit), profanity is common, and many are violent.
Not to worry, ladies. This is not a boys-only club. The number of gals writing in the genre is increasing and by no means is all content in GameLit stereotypical hormone-driven-male stuff.
You might even think of this as a mission field. Gaming has long gotten the evil eye from some Christian groups because some of the games focus heavily on magic systems deemed occultic. If you do it right, your tale can bring Christ to folks who have had a lot of bad experiences with Christians who were quick to condemn.
Another reason to consider entering the GameLit genre is to play the games again. There was a time when I was an avid gamer, both tabletop and computer-based RPGs. Unfortunately, a recurring wrist injury and the time constraints of my adult obligations meant that I had to trim back my hobbies. I do love writing, so gaming was the one that had to go. Writing GameLit, I get to play the games again through the story world I create.
Why Not GameLit?
As you might expect, writing GameLit isn’t for everyone.
That dedicated reader base I mentioned? They can be very vocal in their support of certain authors and in their disdain for others. As with any genre, there are a handful of kerfluffles that revolve around a couple specific authors and tensions run high. Even if you do it well, you’ll have some readers who love you, and some who don’t, and neither group is shy about expressing their feelings. This isn’t a genre for the faint of heart.
If you’re not a gamer or if you haven’t been a gamer previously, getting the flow of the story and tropes figured out is going to be tough. The genre has its own lingo like “aggro,” “buffs,” and “debuffs.” If you don’t know the lingo, you’re going to sound inauthentic. Shoehorning game mechanics into a non-game story is going to be obvious to the more seasoned readers. They appear to have little patience for that.
If you’re the sort of writer who must include overt Christian references, you’ll get significant pushback. More than other genres I’ve written in, putting your faith in the open will get you more sneers than cheers. For fewer headaches and greater effectiveness, make the faith a less intrusive part of the story with a real game world effect.
Some Tips to Get Started
So, how would you go about writing one of these?
First, research the genre. I’ve given you a general overview, but do go check out some of the published works. I’m rather partial to my own, of course, but there is a lot of it out there. This will give you a familiarity with the genre and some of its unique quirks. It’s not simply speculative fiction with a game overlay.
Second, build your world. Even if you’re a consummate pantser, you’re going to need to figure out the parameters of your game. I suppose you could “wing it” on the game mechanics, but I think you run a bigger risk of it sounding like speculative fiction with the game mechanics glued on in the end.
Once you know what GameLit is like and you have your game mechanics figured out, it becomes a writing project much like other writing projects. Write your draft, revise it until your red pen runs out of ink, get feedback, revise some more, then chase down your favorite route to publication. The caveat to that is that your feedback should come from someone who knows GameLit. It really is its own peculiar duck.
Examples of GameLit from My Writing include Animal Eye, “Feeling Swamped” in the Rise and Rescue Vol 1 Anthology, “Up a Tree” in the Rise and Rescue Vol 2 Protect and Recover Anthology, “Siren” in the Warrior’s Tribute Anthology, “Seeking What’s Lost” in the Mythic Orbits Vol 2 Anthology, and “The Fall of the Invincible Man” from the Avatars of Web Surfer Anthology.
Back to Travis:
Hopefully it hasn’t been confusing to switch from me to Cindy and back. But there’s a reason why I’m doing so. My interest in Animal Eye isn’t necessarily the same as what Cindy sees in her story and as I’m talking to readers of Speculative Faith about it here, my interest is secondarily in Animal Eye itself (even though I’m the book’s publisher). Mainly I want to talk about how an original idea can open up a market that not many Christians are writing in.
By the way, Animal Eye is a GameLit adventure. In Animal Eye, Khin May and Jake are playtesters checking out the conversion of a popular kids’ game to an adult version. Khin May becomes Ahva, a feisty crow who belongs to Osse, an archer and herbalist. Jake plays Nagheed, a Nethanyan mountain shepherd, who belongs to Baron Rafayel Dorcas. They experience the Virtual Reality game as the characters and learn how to do things the animals can do. Ahva can fly and mimic almost any sound with practice, and Nagheed can track targets by their scent and run fast enough to keep pace with a horse. As the game progresses through a variety of quests, they advance their skills while learning the unusual history of the world. They and their humans gather resources to stop a priestess bent on creating laughing maniacal killers to fulfill an old grudge to destroy all civilizations but her own.
What interests me though is that the convention for video games is for players (in the fiction game of GameLit) to be humans or maybe demi-humans or intelligent aliens. Such players may have animals that help them, especially in medieval or ancient world settings. But in Animal Eye, the situation is flipped. Humans, who are important to the story for sure, are NPC (Non-Player Characters) played by an advanced AI to the point where they seem as real as the PC (Player Character) protagonists. But in the imaginary game of Animal Eye, a human player would always play an animal, never a human being or demi-human.
Animals Stars to Open a Gateway
While some GameLit stories I’ve searched for do feature animal protagonists or important animal characters, none so far has featured a game starring animal players, as far as I know. So by means of adopting an original story setting in a genre which has a negligible Christian author presence, Cindy has created a tale which may (God willing) be of interest to hard-core fans of a new genre and serve as a gateway to get them interested in tales which are not necessarily stereotypical stuff, which do not revel in sex, profanity, and violence, with no acknowledgement in any way of God.

This is the cover of the Animal Eye ebook. Artwork by Mary Campagna Findley.
Cindy’s story also does feature a disguised version of faith in God, though it’s by no means the center of the tale. But there’s an opportunity there to draw people into a different way to look at the world than what GameLit is normally doing. A Gateway to get people thinking about God, or a as “mission field” as Cindy said.
Warning: Gateways Open Both Ways
Of course by opening a connection to a genre with only a small amount of kid-friendly content, a genre generally hostile to Christianity (as Cindy reports it), there’s always the danger that connecting an innovative story to that world will not only provide a gateway for people hostile to Christ to get introduced to Christian thinking, it could on the other hand cause inquisitive young Christians to start out reading wholesome works like Cindy’s and follow the genre into slime. Yes, that’s a possible outcome–we should acknowledge that possibility and guard against it. In particular Christian parents should be aware that GameLit contains some very negative stuff and young people should be appropriately warned. Discernment is, of course, key.
The main purpose of this post is not to say “Go buy a copy of Animal Eye.” (Though of course, you can…here’s a link to the Kindle version of Animal Eye…) But rather to talk about an opportunity to reach readers in the GameLit genre and to give an example of how Cindy is doing it. As a means to explore the power of innovative story settings.
Though in fact, if any aspiring writers reading this would be interested in writing a story that’s similar to Animal Eye or would like to work with Cindy and I contributing to a sequel story that’s part of her game-featuring-animals story setting (though not with her same characters), we might be interested in that, too. Contact us.
Readers of this post, have you read any GameLit? What are your thoughts and impressions? How about stories with animal protagonists? There’s no shortage of such stories–what are your particular favorites?
My niece A. J. Bakke, a fan of GuildWars and WoW, has been writing gamelit on the lite lite side for years. After reading your definition, though, I’m not sure if she’s sitting on the line or inside the line. Can I tell her about your anthology?
Sure, tell her! But we’re talking about future collaborations on novels, not an anthology.
Ah! OK.
This is Autumn Grayson, but my username is getting caught in the spam filter or something, so I’m going to use my future company name as my username until I figure out what’s up.
Anyway, Spy Kids 3 would technically be GameLit, so that’s one I remember from when I was a kid. There’s quite a few GameLit anime as well, like Sword Art Online, though I’ve only seen part of that show. Apparently Grimgar is another, but it has a darker and more serious take on the genre that focuses on character development. I haven’t actually seen it, but did listen to this analysis of it and found it interesting. The vid has a lot of good things to say about fight scenes as well:
Also, a couple years ago I actually wrote part of a story that technically fits into the GameLit genre and submitted it to a writing contest. I don’t know how well the story would fit the expectations of hardcore GameLit fans, though. The chars play as animal avatars, too.
I put the story on hiatus once I met the contest requirements, though. Someday I’ll go back and rewrite it, since even though it had a lot of good elements, there were also things I disliked. It was sort of a good learning experience, though. A lot of GameLit stories seem to work better because the characters are actually stuck inside the video game and may even have life and death stakes(like dying in real life if they die in the game), and my GameLit story took a different approach, where the stakes weren’t life and death and everything was more about the characters’ relationships and how their interactions in the game affected them in real life. Having reflected on it now, I know some ways to make that actually work.
I would be curious to know what the controversies are in the GameLit community/why certain authors are hated. Especially if it extends beyond the authors not using the terms and tropes correctly.
The original Jumanji movie would be a GameLit story as well because it featured a story set in a game. However, the genre is mostly about stories set within a video game, mostly with the player of the game being aware they are a player. Which is kinda new…
As for the politics of the GameLit community, I’m not entirely aware. Cindy is involved in a number of online groups and found some hostility towards talking about Christianity, but there are other things ongoing as well that I don’t really know about. (We could ask Cindy!)
GameLit generally falls under the isekai genre in anime/manga. And isekai has had a crazy ridiculous proliferation within the last few years. Sword Art Online and its spinoffs, Log Horizon, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, My Next Life as a Villainess, Ascendance of a Bookworm (<- my fave), Tower of God, In a New World with my Smartphone. My Kindle recommends is entirely flooded with isekai light novels like Bookworm, Villainess, Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter, Reincarnated as a Sword, Magic and Soap, and on to infinity with bunches of crappy gimmick light novels.
I’m not actually sure how similar Isekai is to GameLit. I do know that when researching GameLit, not a single Japanese title or title translated from Japanese was around. But quite a few translated from Russian were.
Does Isekai include play within a game in which the players know they are playing the game? Mostly focused on immersive video games? If the answer to that is “yes” and “yes” I would be very curious why there’s such a gulf between the Russian-inspired versions of GameLit and Isekai.
There’s some variation, but there are deffo titles where the characters know they’re in a game, like Sword Art Online and Log Horizon.
I’m 80% sure some dweeb has already self/published a Christian Minecraft novel. I think I saw it on a article about the worst book covers in Christian novels.
But this is a great opportunity for fanfiction. You can tell a decently original story within the confines of a larger framework provided by D&D, WoW, or even Stardew Valley (some dweebs have already made Stardew fic on, and that number of dweebs will probably include me at some point).
GameLit from what I’ve seen–and I asked Cindy to confirm I’m right–almost always involves creating a new game. That’s part of the appeal, creating a new imaginary game. It’s not really for fanfiction, though that’s also a thing.
As far as stories with animal protagonists go, I read tons of those, but I’ll list some of my favorites.
I highly recommend Everfallen by Alai Cinereo and the other comics in its storyworld and would recommend it even to people that normally wouldn’t take animal stories seriously. The lore in this story is awesome and can open up a lot of philosophical discussions. And, well, the chars are basically anthros, so it’s practically like reading about humans anyway. This is the prologue:
And here’s the main story. Webtoon kinda orders these in an annoying way, with the newest episodes at the top of the list, so the first episode is at the bottom of this list. And if you’re reading it on a pc and navigating the list, you’ll have to scroll down a bit further the buttons for pages one and two of the episode list.:
Off-White is another great animal comic about wolves. The art for it has been stunning ever since it got it’s first reboot:
And of course there’s the Blackblood Alliance, which is about dire wolves. It’s been rebooted recently, so the story has changed significantly from the old one and is even better than it was before. Here’s the first page. Scroll down to the description of that page and the link to the next page will be there:
The old version is worth reading, too, though:
Lately I’ve also been reading a comic about deer called The Golden Shrike, and it’s pretty good so far. The author’s been pretty good about uploading new pages regularly, too. Again, the link to the next page is in image’s description:
All Are Not Hunters is pretty good too. It takes place in a society of prehistoric animals:
Yeah, there’s a huge number of animal protagonists in various stories. I’ve seen some in GameLit, too. One was called “Leap of Faith” and the central characters is a frog, which is cool. And another is “Koala Online” in which a real Koala is the player in the video game the story is based on…but Cindy’s is the first time I know of that the game in a GameLit story is based on playing animals.
In fact, I don’t know of any RPG games that let you play animals, either…
Hm…there’s actually quite a few video games with animal protagonists. I’m not enough of a gamer to know which ones are actually RPGs, though I’m very sure there’s at least a few, it just takes knowing where to find them. I’ll link a few animal games here for anyone that’s curious or wants inspiration for writing that kind of game, and I know of more, for anyone that’s interested. People have various interests in some of these games. Some just enjoy them, some people like the idea of being in a completely different world from a completely different perspective, and others are interested in animal centric games from the standpoint of educating the public and having an eye on the environment and conservation.
The Isle(about dinosaurs):
NIVA(fantasy game. Free to play):
Uneasy Pawsteps – The First Tree (story driven game about a fox):
When I was a teen there was another one called Wolf Quest, which is a free to play game that was meant to educate the public about wolves. Not sure if it’s still around though.
Yeah I did not say “no video games with an animal protagonist.” I said no RPG video games with an animal protagonist. As far as I can tell, none of the games you shared are RPGs…
And in World of Warcraft and other established RPG video games you can’t choose to play a dog. For example. Not yet anyway–not that I’ve ever heard of.
Oh, and recently I’ve been hearing a ton of great things about Beastars and can’t wait to see it some day, even though I tend not to care for anthros. It’s another one that is very philosophical and has a lot to say about society and psychology, so even people that normally don’t enjoy animal stories might like it.
Oh, and recently I’ve been hearing a ton of great things about Beastars and can’t wait to see it some day, even though I tend not to care for anthros. It’s another one that is very philosophical and has a lot to say about society and psychology, so even people that normally don’t enjoy animal stories might like it.
Here’s a couple analyzations of it:
Aaaand I didn’t realize that I accidentally pasted the first paragraph twice until it was too late to edit…
It’s OK. 🙂
Whoa, I’ve actually watched it, and it is chock full of teh sechs. Still interesting ideas in it, but it has some serious furrybait in there.
I guess I’d have to see how easy those parts are to skip. If I get tired of having to skip stuff every two seconds then I’d probably give up on the show.
Hey I did a podcast on this topic, in which I interviewed Cindy Koepp: