Going on Hiatus Because the Wedding Bells Are Ringing

The time has come for me to take a break. In fact, a long holiday, a la Bilbo Baggins. The reason? A fantastic girl who, in fact, I’m going to marry in two short months.
on Jan 2, 2018 · 5 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

The time has come for me to take a break. In fact, a long holiday, a la Bilbo Baggins.

The reason?

To pull a Peter Parker (yes, mixing fandom metaphors), “Let me assure you, this, like any other story worth telling, is all about a girl.”

Yes, a girl.

Zac and Karisa Romantic

That girl. Karisa Joy. #bestnameever

A fantastic girl who, in fact, I’m going to marry in two short months. Cue reality slamming into me like a two-ton Oliphant.

The wedding bells are ringing. Time’s a-wasting. And plans need making.

So…yeah. Busy, crazy, hectic, intense, challenging, rewarding. My current existence wrapped in a sentence.

Zac and Karisa Wall Background

Us and a wall, because #trendy?

A million and one things are lined up to bombard my mental capacity, not to mention all the other details already speeding along faster than Shadowfax.

Too many things.

Not. Enough. Time.

Unfortunately, that includes for blogging. So the fabulous rulers of the fair land of SpecFaith Blog have allowed me to declare my leave of absence as I traverse the exciting path stretching into the future.

My goal is to have a hiatus of six months, though life has a tricky way of not cooperating. So it’s possible I’ll be gone longer. However, I shall return once things settle down and I once again have time to wield my pen–erm keyboard–and delve into the myriad joys of speculative fiction.

Until then, Live Long and Prosper.

P. S. She likes books. And fantasy. And Doctor Who. ‘Nuff said. ?

Zac and Karisa Holding Books

She’s holding “The Horse and His Boy.” #perfectmatch

Zachary Totah writes speculative fiction stories. This allows him to roam through his imagination, where he has illegal amounts of fun creating worlds and characters to populate them. When not working on stories or wading through schoolwork, he enjoys playing sports, hanging out with his family and friends, watching movies, and reading. He lives in Colorado and doesn't drink coffee. He loves connecting with other readers and writers. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Goodreads, and at his website.

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Kyle Shultz says:

    “She likes books. And fantasy. And Doctor Who. ‘Nuff said.”

    Extremely jealous right now. ? Congratulations!! How did you meet? clicks pen in readiness for note-taking

  2. BEST engagement photos ever. Congratulations, so happy for you both! May all the preparations go smoothly and your wedding day be full of joy and delight!

  3. Very excited for you both, Zac. Thanks for posting the pictures. We’ll hold down the fort until you’re ready to come back.


  4. notleia says:

    Congratulations! Also that’s why me and my husband (still so weird to apply that word to him even after a year later) semi-eloped and just went to the courthouse with his grandparents as witnesses. Here’s to you guys not being killed dead by the wedding industrial complex.

  5. Jason Brown says:

    Dude! Congrats on the blessing of marriage!!

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