I’ve Got Nothing.

Inspiration is a funny thing. There are some days when you wake up, ready to rock the world with your insightful insights and witty wit…and there’s nothing there.
Fred Warren on Jul 26, 2011 ·
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originally published at Speculative Faith
If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom. – Job 13:5
Inspiration is a funny thing. There are some days when you wake up, ready to rock the world with your insightful insights and witty wit…and there’s nothing there.
Today is one such day.
I’ve learned through bitter experience that it’s best not to force my brain to produce when I’m in tabula rasa mode. Sometimes it’s best for me and everybody else to just keep my mouth shut.
So, without further ado, here’s a rather clever little video some kids put together a couple of years ago in support of a good cause. It perfectly summarizes my state of mind. Enjoy.
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