Lorehaven Launch: Enter the Editor in Chief

Lorehaven launches its first magazine this spring. Get to know our ministry crew.
on Mar 6, 2018 · 2 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

Please pray for Lorehaven, the new magazine from several creatives at Speculative Faith.

This spring, we release our first issue. You can sign up and read it early.

Our mission: to find truth in fantastic stories, and find more readers who love them.

Our destination: any fan of these stories by Christian authors.

Our craft:

  1. More than a dozen reviews of new, amazing Christian fantasy novels.
  2. Help to join (or even start!) your own virtual or real-world book club.
  3. A cover story focusing on a top creator of Christian fantastical fiction.
  4. Articles to help Christian geeks and parents grow as fanservants.
  5. A scintillating Roundtable discussion on a controversial topic.
  6. Soar wide over the fascinating world of a particular story genre.
  7. Time-travel to the histories of God’s gift of amazing stories.

Our crew: to be announced, each week, in alphabetical order.

We’ll start with yours truly.

Name, role, and crew

E. Stephen Burnett is editor in chief of Lorehaven magazine.

He met his wife, Lacy, during his early work as moderator with the NarniaWeb online forum. They have been married since 2009 and now live near Austin, Texas.

Personal log

Stephen has written and edited in the field of community journalism for more than ten years. For other venues, he’s explored themes of biblical truth, fantastical stories, and popular culture. He does this at Speculative Faith (since 2007), Christ and Pop Culture (since 2013), and Christianity Today (2017).


Stephen began life in a Christian family—homeschooled, even—and is grateful for that grounding. He’s since found a spiritual home in Baptist churches, especially whose teachers preach expositionally (verse-by-verse) through God’s word. He and Lacy serve as members of Round Rock, Texas-based Southern Hills Baptist Church.

New worlds

Stephen enjoys stories foremost as a fan. He explores nonfiction books and podcasts about biblical doctrine and apologetics, classic fantasy novels and films (naturally, C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien), DC and Marvel superhero tales (he’ll heartily defend Batman v Superman), several anime series (such as One Piece and My Hero Academia), and a few video games.

Meanwhile, he applies these pursuits to creating new stories in many genres. One explores the near-future of Christians who recover the purpose of missions in a secular age. Another follows an elderly deacon whose life and family are upset by his journeys to the afterlife.

Home base

Stephen writes weekly articles at Speculative Faith (currently on Tuesdays). Expect to see more from him at Christ and Pop Culture and other sites, as soon as Lorehaven is launched.

Next week: enter the editor, Elijah David.

Click here to sign up. You’ll be the first to know when Lorehaven issue 1 hits the cyber-stands.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Blessings, Stephen! Glad you’re doing this! As always, I love Speculative Faith and Lorehaven, and am thankful for your work.

What say you?

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