Speculative Faith was the volunteer-led website that preceded Lorehaven. From 2006 to 2021, hundreds of Christian fantastical writers added their voices to this team blog. Many of those creatives now continue this work at Lorehaven. This archive preserves all the original SpecFaith articles and reviews. You may find, however, some outdated bios and missing images as well as occasional formatting glitches! Please note that some reviews have been updated and republished to Lorehaven.

2017 Winter Writing Challenge Voting Reminder

In case you missed Monday’s post announcing the finalists, you can find it here. The entries appear in alphabetical order, determined by the last name of the authors. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017

2017 Winter Writing Challenge Status

Feel free to share the original 2017 Winter Writing Challenge post and to invite your friends and family to read and to give their thumbs up votes. The more input, the more feedback, the better. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017

Winter Writing Challenge Reminder

The 2017 Spec Faith Winter Writing Challenge will accept entries until midnight tomorrow, Sunday, January 15. That’s midnight Pacific time. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017
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