Pray, Donate, and Support Rebecca LuElla Miller

Last month, Rebecca LuElla Miller suffered a stroke and heart attack. Here’s how you can #StandwithBecky.
on May 8, 2017 · 1 reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

For about a month, SpecFaith co-founder and Monday writer Rebecca LuElla Miller has been missing from this space. Those who follow us on Facebook and Twitter know why. Now here, Merrie Destefano provides an update.1

On April 13, 2017, Becky Miller realized she was sick. She didn’t know it at the time, but she had suffered from both a stroke and a heart attack. She had also developed diabetes and high blood pressure. She needed to get to the doctor, but delayed going because her car wasn’t working. As a single woman with next-to-no health insurance, the decision to go to the emergency room was a hard one to make.

Thankfully, she did get to the hospital. She’s back at home now and she’s getting very good medical care. But she still can’t work, her bills are piling up, she doesn’t have the money for her medicines, and her car still doesn’t work.

Many of you may already know Becky from the tireless, volunteer work she’s done in the book community, running free blog tours, promoting Christian science fiction and fantasy, writing reviews, scheduling author interviews and helping authors build their careers.

Becky has always loved good stories. Please help her story to have a good ending.

She needs your help. Any donation, large or small, can help her. Five dollars might buy food, twenty dollars might pay for her medicine, one hundred dollars might buy a new battery for her car. It will be awhile before she’s able to get back to work. Right now, she’s focusing on retraining her muscles so she can go up and down her apartment stairs. Tasks we might think of as easy—like doing laundry, writing emails, and buying groceries—are next to impossible for her to do right now.

But you can help. A donation of any size will enable her recovery to go smoother.

Maybe you met her at a writer’s conference and she gave you some good advice, maybe she reviewed one of your books and you’ve still got that nice rating on Amazon, maybe you’ve known her for years or maybe you met her a few weeks ago…maybe you’ve never met her and you just stumbled upon this Go Fund Me page.

However you got here, please just remember, there are times when every one of us needs help.

Please Stand By Becky in her hour of need.

Thank you very much for visiting Becky Miller’s Go Fund Me page. We sincerely appreciate every prayer lifted up on her behalf. And we hope you will join with us in this campaign.

Rebecca LuElla MillerUpdate as of Saturday, May 6

Hi, everyone! I just talked to Becky on the phone and here’s what she said, plus a brief update:

First, she sincerely appreciates all of your prayers and she’s overwhelmed by your generosity. She hasn’t been able to view the site yet, so I read her all of your kind comments and we both got a bit emotional in the process. (You all rock and thank you so much!)

Second, a quick update on her progress and current challenges:

She said she’s progressing a little bit every day, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. She’s a little bit stronger. She’s walking with a cane now, instead of a walker. She said she can see God’s hand on her recovery, since the stroke could have been so much worse. She was able to stand without wobbling for the first time yesterday, although she still wobbles when she walks.

Her challenges:

She’s trying to use her left hand more to strengthen those muscles. She’s was able to type a little yesterday, but made a lot of mistakes. Her bigger challenge is her left leg. Her physical therapist has given her the task of walking across her porch 3 times a day, and walking up and down her stairs 3 times a day. But she has very little energy—possibly from her stroke and her medicines—so after doing any of these things, she has to rest for a long time.

Once again, thank you all very much! I’ll try to post another update on her recovery in a few days. God bless all of you!

Be the body of Christ and help support Becky’s needs. Over the weekend her friends and family raised more than $3,000. Let’s make that $5,000 this week, as we pray that Jesus will help Becky recover soon.

  1. Much of this article is reprinted with permission from Stand By Becky at GoFundMe, May 4, 2017.
Novelist Merrie Destefano writes dark stories with a thread of hope. She’s the former editor of Victorian Homes magazine, Zombies magazine, and Haunted: Mysteries and Legends magazine. Her work has been published by HarperCollins, Entangled Teen, and Walter Foster Publishing. Her novels include Valiant, Shade, Lost Girls, Fathom, Afterlife, and Feast. Her co-authored how-to-draw art books include How To Draw Vampires, How To Draw Zombies, How To Draw Grimm’s Dark Tales, and How To Draw Magical, Monstrous, & Mythological Creatures. For more information, visit her website at

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Amy Keeler Miller says:

    Aunt Becky, I will be praying for you and I hope you have a swift recovery. I know your faith is strong. Que Dios te bendiga! Love, Amy Keeler Miller
    I knew her when I was a child as Aunt Becky… she taught English at the boarding school for missionary children in Guatemala. I always felt safe in her classroom and I felt that she really cared for me.
    During my 9th grade year she read to us from The Hobbit over a period of a few months and it opened my mind to the wonders of fiction.
    I wasn’t much of a reader before her class but after that I was hooked.

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