The Quantum Mechanics God of Alternate Realities

Are alternate universes fair game for Christian writers of speculative fiction? This post takes a look at why so many science fiction stories feature alternate realities based on quantum mechanics–and suggests ways a Christian worldview can be compatible with this kind of tale.
on Jun 27, 2019 · 17 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

This post was inspired by what Mark Carver wrote yesterday discussing alternate reality scenarios as seen in one piece of speculative fiction. His piece inspired me to break out an old article from my personal blog which discussed alternate reality scenarios and adapt it for Speculative Faith. In short I don’t agree with Mark that Divine Sovereignty requires only one reality. While it’s possible (maybe even probable) there’s only one, I don’t think I can be sure without more information. This post will explain how Quantum Mechanics leads some people to believe there are multiple universes, alternate realities, via the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and will give some ideas on specifically Christian twists a storyteller could give a MWI view of reality.

The division of universes showing a cat both alive and dead at the same time until someone makes a definite measurement, i.e. Schrodinger’s cat. In the Many Worlds Interpretation, the cat lives in one universe and dies in another. Source: Wikipedia Commons

I first of all have felt compelled to explain what MWI actually is in my own words. For readers who feel they understand MWI well, feel free to skip down 7 paragraphs to where I will begin talking about what MWI implies and how that relates to story ideas with a sentence in bold print. 

In short, MWI sees that all possible alternate histories and futures are real. A way to tie that back into the specific language of physics would be to affirm that this interpretation “asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction and denies the actuality of the wavefunction collapse.”

For those readers who may not understand the phrase I just used above (I pulled it off the Wikipedia article I linked to MWI, by the way), I’m going to put into lay terms what I just quoted, using an electron as my example. According to quantum mechanics, the exact position and motion of an electron cannot be known. Not fully. To keep this as brief as possible, that implies the position of an electron (and other quanta) can only be estimated based on probability. The electron can in fact be nearly anywhere, but the chances of it being on the other side of the universe when it just left an atom here on Earth is very close to zero. Note what I just said–the chances are “very close” to zero. But they are not zero. According to quantum mechanics there are very low probabilities (yes very, very low) that an electron that was on Earth just a nanosecond ago, is now a nanosecond later in the Andromeda galaxy somewhere. Yes, this definitely seems to contradict everything you have heard about the speed of light, that nothing can go faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, which would be about 300,000 kilometers per second and which would require about 2.5 million years to get to Andromeda. (In more ways than one, the physics of quantum mechanics does not agree with the physics of relativity very well.) However, the chances are much, much greater that the electron is somewhere not far from its last position.

So the situation I just described, concerning the position of any quantum such as our example electron being unknown, means in modern physics that the possible locations of the electron are calculated based on where it might be using probability math, producing something called a “wavefunction.” (Wavefunctions can be combined to provide for all possible locations of an electron. All such possible combinations of wavefunctions is what the term “universal wavefunction” is driving at.)

For reasons I am not going to explain here in detail that have to do with wave interference, it appears that our electron weirdly actually is in a wide variety of places at the same time when it’s described as a wavefunction. So it isn’t just that an electron (or other quanta) is a particle in one place that’s hard to find–it’s acting as if it’s a different kind of thing, a wave, that is in fact occupying all the possible places it could be at once. But when you measure where the individual electron happens to be at any given moment within the wavefunction, it “collapses,” which means that instead of being in many places, the act of measuring the electron forces it to actually be in just one place at a time, so all the probable locations become one-and-only-one observed location. Note that doesn’t seem to be the same as not knowing where the electron is and finding it. The “finding it” appears to change its nature and causes it to behave in a completely different way that it would if it were unmeasured. As the linked article explains in detail, experiments show that if you measure the position of an electron it will fire through double slits like a series of bullets–but if you don’t measure it, it will create interference patterns like waves of water do.

The Many Worlds Interpretation says our hypothetical electron seems to be in many places because there are a wide range of universes stacked on top of each other in which the electron actually is a point particle located in each possible place it could be. Somehow these alternate universes interfere with one another on the quantum level to create wave characteristics and are also seen in the mathematical feature of the wavefunction that seems to give probable simultaneous locations. When I make a measurement about the specific location of an electron, instead of the wavefunction collapsing so that all the possible locations boil down to only one location, the MWI interpretation says that the electron continues to be in all the separate places it could be–there is no collapse. But the electron loses contact with other possible universes where it could be at that moment, in effect making us select just one of the possible universes f0r its location. Meaning we just happen to be living in only one of the possible outcomes for that electron. All the other possibilities continue to exist in other universes which become separated from us.

MWI sees the number of universes as not only for all practical purposes infinite, it sees that with each branching of quanta, with each apparent wavefront collapse, with each decision if we want to think of it that way, the number of universes increases. And since every possible action (even brain function) can be accounted for by quanta either going one way or the other, there would be a universe in which every possible decision that could be made at the tiniest scale was in fact made. If MWI is true.

So why did I bother to explain the meaning of the Many Worlds Interpretation? To make a few things clear about it:

  1. It’s just one way of interpreting physics. It is in no way actually known to be true–there are other possible interpretations of quantum mechanics, including what I already stated about each quanta actually assuming the form of a wave when unmeasured, actually not even having a definite location unless measured (this view is called the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics). So if anybody tells you science knows MWI is true or alternate universes exist for certain, they are wrong.

  2. It’s a view of the universe based on science. So some very smart science-nerdy people buy into MWI wholeheartedly and think this is how the universe really works (I tend to disagree with them–not that I really can be sure–but that doesn’t matter here).

  3. It undergirds the alternate reality sort of story which has become very popular in science fiction.

  4. I think we can use this as a launching point to discuss a different kind of alternate reality story, one that presumes God is real and the Bible is His message.

Multiple Earths

So for the sake of hypothetical speculation, let’s say the MWI interpretation of quantum mechanics is actually true. How would that relate to the God of the Bible? Would it make God no longer sovereign of the universe?

Well, we don’t normally think of God as losing sovereignty because human choice exists. Even extreme Calvinists usually believe human beings are capable of making some decisions, even if they don’t believe a person can chose to accept God’s grace in salvation without God willing it.

If we’re able to accept choice by human beings without God losing sovereignty, why would it be so hard to imagine that God could allow the universe itself to make choices, to even split and divide along those choices? I believe a Biblical view of God is compatible with imagining God allowing multiple choices to exist simultaneously, multiple realities, and being the sovereign ruler of each one of them.

God himself would be immune to quantum fluctuations because he’d be their Creator and not the other way around. But the creation could be subject to multiple versions, some versions starting out differently even before what we think of as the heavens and Earth existing as we know them.

But if we see God as sovereign and the Bible we have as reflecting God’s intent, then all possible universes generated by the “Quantum Mechanics God of Alternate Realities” would begin with the same original creation, but then would begin to diverge after that. Which would affect all sorts of things in the world, but would also affect the Bible itself, because much of what the Bible records is what human beings do and how God interacts with them.

So in this view of God (in his sovereignty allowing for different versions of reality), there would be an alternate universe where Adam and Eve never sinned and the human race lives in a global Eden on Planet Earth. There would be a Moses who did not strike the rock when God told him to speak to it, who would enter the Promised Land instead of dying outside it. There would be an ancient Israel where the kings never strayed from righteousness, which was never conquered by the Babylonians. And another Israel in which the Jewish leaders under Roman domination would have wholeheartedly embraced Jesus. Etc.

This imaginary story conception doesn’t make God inconsistent with how we normally think of him. Human beings would have freedom to act and would in fact make all the possible choices they could have made. God would react to them as they responded to the choices he gave them–but God is capable of willing all the alternate versions just as much as he is able to create the one-and-only-one universe we seem (seem) to be living in.

Note that this is a non-deterministic look at God. God can’t have predetermined every single thing for this to work as a story. Or at least, if he did predetermine everything, he would need to have done so a horde of separate times, him allowing (well, actually, sovereignly ordaining) each choice a person could make to be performed throughout the universes. So there would be a plethora of universes all wrapped around individual human moral decisions, but since these changes would be serving God’s purposes and wouldn’t actually be a function of randomness, it would seem that while there could be a very great number of alternative universes, that number would not be infinite.

That’s especially true if God made human moral choice the source of the division of universes and not the rattling of tiny quanta–which would be one of the key differences between this sort of story framed by a Christian worldview and the typical science fiction alternate reality tale.

Since God’s character would remain the same in this Christian version of MWI, there would still be a sacrifice for sin, if sin in fact were to be introduced into the given world (it would seem sin would be a part of all possible worlds except only for one, the one in which Adam and Eve obeyed perfectly). But Christ would have to die in separate circumstances for each reality, each separate universe having its own version of the Savior for the universe at that point. Christ dying once for sins, as the New Testament says he did, would only apply to once for any given universe.

So, what if for each possible choice presented to human beings by God in Biblical times, a version of the Bible existed which covered the people choices made? A Bible version of obedience and disobedience, for each possible choice? Though all of them beginning with a creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and all of them ending with the human race reconciled to God for eternity in the new heavens and new earth.

So there would be a plethora of possible Bibles. Not an infinite number, because the moral choices God mandated human beings make in Scripture are not infinite in number. Say there were 10,000 different Bibles across the universes. Or 7,000–that’s more of a Biblical figure. 🙂 (though if we were to count small changes, 7 million might be more like it)

Why shouldn’t a Christian author of science fiction feature a story where the character of God is consistent but the people who responded to God did radically different things? So as people somehow cross into an alternate reality, as so often happens in stories like this, they would find all possible realities contain a Bible and Christianity (or something essentially like it), but the Bibles were not in fact the same in each alternate world? And the very worlds people lived in were different as well, based on both on choices all people make in their lives, but also based on differing Biblical influences?

I see no problem for story purposes extending this moral decision-making past Biblical times. So there might be 7,000 versions of the Bible, but each individual Bible would have separate alternate universes branching off from it, separate universes in which that particular original text was used.

So the universe that produced our Bible, as we have it, would have separated further after Scripture was written. So it would represent perhaps tens of millions of alternate realities, each reality based on moral choices made in relation to God post the writing of the Bible we know.

Likewise there would be tens of millions of alternate realities linked to other alternate-reality Bibles. Variations in Scripture and translations could become a key means of figuring out which universe you were in–or at least in which set of universes you had entered.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if also all versions of the Bible, no matter what they are, all had word for word the same first and last chapters, even if everything else in them changed? Which would mean that God would bring all the different quantum universes to the same eternal state, just as all of them came from the same initial creation.

I have more thoughts on versions of alternate realities compatible with a Christian worldview that I’ve already shared on my own blog. Perhaps in the future I will bring them up here.

In the meantime, do you agree or disagree with me that alternate realities are fair game for Christian writers of speculative fiction? Do you think God really could have allowed multiple universes–or do you think I’m dead wrong about that? And what stories do you know of by Christian authors that have looked at alternate-reality type scenarios?

Travis Perry is a hard-core Bible user, history, science, and foreign language geek, hard science fiction and epic fantasy fan, publishes multiple genres of speculative fiction at Bear Publications, is an Army Reserve officer with five combat zone deployments. He also once cosplayed as dark matter.
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  1. It’s interesting seeing you guys (and gals) respond to each other (as article contributors), so often and so quickly. I enjoy it!

  2. Jes Drew says:

    Interesting article. However, while different there may be differences in cultures, technologies, and histories in alternative realities, people wouldn’t really be any different there than here since we have the same fallen nature, and God’s Word would be the same for each of them since He is unchanging and neither is His Word that will exist even when this reality burns away. I would also argue that Christ died once for all in a way that affected each universe equally should there be more than one, just like they all had the same beginning and will have the same end.

    • Travis Perry says:

      Well, if you allow for different choices in Bible times, then perhaps (for example) David would not have committed adultery with Bathsheba with the consequences that brought. That would change the Bible.

      Of course, if you don’t allow for anyone in the Bible to make any other choices (everyone else could, but not them), then the Bibles could all come out the same–or only with ordinary textual variants we already have.

      If the Bibles are all the same, the sacrifice of Christ presumably would be simultaneous across all the universes. So only events outside the Bible would be different.

      That would work fine, actually. But would demand certain elements of ancient history were exactly the same. History would not be able to diverge for a large portion of the world until around AD 100. But a person could make a story like that.

  3. Stephen Smith says:

    I read the article with great interest since I’m somewhat fascinated with quantum physics. But it seems to me you’re implying that as Christians we can only write about alternate realities that can somehow be scientifically possible. That unless we can envision alternate realities through the lense of scientific probability–no matter how remote–our story is therefore suspect. Or are you saying that we could only claim that our story “might actually be true” if it lines up with the rationale expressed in the article? I don’t really believe in alternate realities (though I don’t think it would destroy my faith if we discovered they existed), yet I still love speculative stories that include alternate realities with a Christian worldview.

    • Travis Perry says:

      I would say that God could make other flavors of alternate realities as he wishes. I hinted at that in the article, but didn’t say so directly. I was mainly covering why alternate history stories are a big deal in science fiction–because of a particular interpretation of quantum physics.

      I think we could use the MWI interpretation to craft alternate realities but I would not say the imagination of a Christian author is bound to that. I hinted at this when I said the difference could be centered on moral choices, instead of on quanta. That’s actually a big difference.

  4. Alternate realities are definitely fair game for Christian authors. In a way we all already do write about alternate realities, since there’s no way we can write exactly according to what actually happened. The difference is that we don’t present it as an alternate reality. Like, we pretty much say ‘within the story, this is the one reality.’

    One time I saw (but didn’t read) this one Christian fiction novel that explored what could have happened if Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned. Unfortunately I don’t remember the title. I might try to dig around for it and link it if I find it.

    For regular authors, though, it can be really fun to design alternate realities of their own work. Like, in some anime and manga, I’ve seen authors do a short Highschool AU.

    The new Voltron series on Netflix explored alternate realities just a bit. The last episode was totally rushed, though…

    The question is how much we should be playing around with this stuff, though. Like, we could end up breaking something and destroying everything. Or one person looking for their perfect reality could be so intent on finding their own perfect reality they don’t care how their quest affects everyone else. Voltron actually showed something like that eventually.

    Could be interesting if someone found evidence for a spiritual realm in all this research, though. The idea of realities being stacked on top of each other kind of starts edging in that direction just a bit.(like, if there were different realities stacked on top of each other as a manifestation of multiple human choices, maybe there’s multiple realities stacked on top of each other in terms of planes of existence.)

    • Travis Perry says:

      I like your idea of making alternate reality versions of our own stories!

      Also, I recently watched the Netflix series Travellers, which featured time travellers trying to create better realities by invading the bodies of 21st Century people who were about to die anyway. Every tweak the Travellers made in the timeline, every alternate reality, only created new problems…

      • I wish more authors would do it. I have a few planned down the road, though I won’t be getting to them for a long time. Buuuut, I haven’t seen it as much outside anime and fanfiction. Or maybe webcomic authors that do very short episodes or single illustrations portraying different versions of the characters or whatnot.

        I think Travelers might have been one of the shows my parents have been watching lately, but I don’t remember for sure. Sounds like it fits with how I’d imagine alternate reality stuff to end up. Like, maybe people would actually be able to succeed in solving the problem they set out to solve, and maybe things would be good for long enough that they wouldn’t notice the damage they did, but sooner or later, something bad would probably happen in every reality or timeline. The universe will never be pain free, unless God makes it so after the apocalypse or something 😛

        Have you seen Steins Gate? It’s a cool time travel anime. The main char has an amusing ‘mad scientist’ persona. He and his friends end up building this time machine thing and end up sending text messages into the past. The main char has to suffer through a lot of heartbreak because a huge part of the show ends up revolving around the quest to save one of his friends. And it eventually involves people having to sacrifice things they love in their current reality in order to reach a reality where one of their friends stays safe. They came out with a new season(Steins Gate 0, I think, which starts out with Okabe dealing with an AI of Makise Kurisu), which I haven’t seen much of. I’d recommend people start with the original anime first instead, where Okabe first encounters time travel and all that, since that will actually give context to all the other anime adaptations.

  5. Martin LaBar says:

    I suppose you know this, but just in case, Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” works of science fiction used the MWI. Pullman is definitely NOT a Christian.

  6. Mark Carver says:

    Good stuff, Travis. I don’t actually discount the possibility of alternate universes full-stop, just the irrelevance to my life of seriously considering their existence. I perused the subject several months ago ( and concluded, like you, that God’s sovereignty would transcend all possible worlds, since He would be the author of their creation, albeit indirectly. Most likely hogwash (it’s very presumptive to think that our choices would actually spawn new realms; if we’re all just stardust anyway, why would our choices be more significant than another animal’s, or a snowflake that happens to fall on this leaf rather than that? Every particle in existence would be continuously churning out new realities based on where it did or didn’t go) but it’s fun to think and write about. The bottom line is that God works all things for His glory in the end, and there could be no reality where that didn’t apply.

    • Travis Perry says:


      Sorry if I misunderstood your point. Thanks for the clarification.

      Though our choices would only be more important if God chose to make them that way–the MWI types really do think every piece of dust (along with everything else) is churning out new realities, a continuously expanding set of universes, not just by human choices. Which seems seer nonsense to me–where does the matter and energy come from to continually generate new universes?

      If you ask me, I’d say the only way it could actually work would be if God made it so… 🙂

  7. Kirsty says:

    Fascinating idea! I like the suggestion of it all starting and ending the same.
    Just thinking – although the reason for it is not the same, and they don’t all start together, the different worlds in the Narnia books all go to the same place.

  8. The theory here is plausible. Like extra terrestrials alternative universes are not essential to Christianity. But not a threat either.

    Anyone else read the unfinished novel “The Dark Tower” by C.S. Lewis? For some reason a lot of Christians had a fit when it was posthumously published.

What say you?

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