The Restorer—Expanded Edition

About the Book Susan Mitchell thought she was an ordinary homemaker. She was wrong. When she’s pulled through a portal into another world, she finds a nation grappling for its soul and waiting for a promised Restorer to save their […]
on Dec 16, 2011 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

About the Book

Susan Mitchell thought she was an ordinary homemaker. She was wrong. When she’s pulled through a portal into another world, she finds a nation grappling for its soul and waiting for a promised Restorer to save their people.

She has always longed to do something important for God, but can she fill this role?

While she struggles to adapt to a foreign culture, she tackles an enemy that is poisoning the minds of the people, uncovers a corrupt ruling Council, and learns that God can use even her floundering attempts at service in surprising ways.

This new expanded edition of The Restorer includes an in-depth devotion guide for readers who want to dig into the spiritual themes of the book, bonus scenes providing glimpses of the story through a variety of characters, and fun extras including links to songs and recipes.

Q & A’s

What was it like developing new material for this new edition?

I loved these stories and characters so much that it was a treat to revisit the world beyond the attic. It was fun playing with scenes from new angles and exploring other character voices. The interactive devotion guide was rewarding to write, because it helped me dig deeply into the Biblical themes that inspired elements of the books.

How did you decide what bonus elements to add?

It was important to me that people would feel that it was worth the investment to own The Restorer-Expanded Edition, even if they had a copy of the original edition. I drew from all the mail I’ve gotten from readers about these books and created the things that I felt would do the most to enhance their experience of The Restorer.

Since many readers share that the spiritual themes had a big impact on them, I created the devotion guide to show the foundation of those themes – and also to give more glimpses into the way that Susan Mitchell is loosely inspired by Deborah in the book of Judges. The Bible study and journaling and prayers allow readers to go on their own spiritual adventure as they are reading the novel.

I also had fun creating new scenes from the perspective of minor characters. Since the book is in Susan’s first person point of view, it was fun giving other characters like Wade, Tara, Kieran, Nolan, and Tristan a voice. My publisher had suggested including “deleted scenes,” but anything that had been deleted from the original manuscript when the book was first published needed to be deleted. So writing fresh material from a new slant seemed like the way to go. I hope it’s as fun for readers as bonus material on a DVD is for me.

We also tried something innovative in using QR codes so that people with smart phones can hover over the symbol and go to a page to heart the music of a song in the story, or read a recipe for a meal that is described in the book.

Besides an entertaining read, what do you hope people experience in The Restorer-Expanded Edition?

God can use ordinary people in unexpected ways. I truly believe that many women live lives of quiet heroism – whether their battleground is caring for aging parents, raising a child with a disability, fighting a long-term illness, volunteering at their church, or supporting a friend through difficulty. My hope is that Susan’s adventure in an alternate world breathes inspiration into anyone feeling that the road has been difficult in his or her world.

Where can people find the book?

Books are available at my web site or blog, and from my publisher, Marcher Lord Press. There is also a Kindle version available.

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Sharon writes “stories for the hero in all of us,” about ordinary people experiencing God’s grace in unexpected ways. Known for their authenticity, emotional range, and spiritual depth, her novels include contemporary fiction such as The Secret Life of Becky Miller or Stepping into Sunlight and the groundbreaking Sword of Lyric fantasy series which includes The Restorer–Expanded Edition. She’s been a Christy finalist and won three Carol awards.

Sharon’s undergrad degree is in education, and she earned an M.A. in Communication. When she isn’t wrestling with words, Sharon enjoys speaking to conferences, retreats, and church groups. She loves interacting with visitors at her website and blog.

Award-winning author Sharon Hinck writes “stories for the hero in all of us,” about ordinary women on extraordinary faith journeys. Known for their authenticity, emotional range, and spiritual depth, her novels include humorous contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, and the groundbreaking Sword of Lyric fantasy series. She has been honored with a Christy finalist medal, and three Carol awards for her novels.

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Galadriel says:

    I want to read this sometime…

  2. Sharon Hinck says:

    Hi, Galadriel,
    I hope you will someday! 🙂

  3. Kaci says:

    I’m really considering buying the expanded edition (I’ve read the other). So glad this is back in print. 0=)
    Galadriel: Tristan rocks. I’d say Kieran rocks, but it’d go to his head.  He’s that way.

  4. Sharon Hinck says:

    Kaci – LOL! You are SO RIGHT about Kieran. Did you know he was only supposed to be a very MINOR character to add a little abrasive energy when he showed up? …but he started taking over and demanded his own book – which is how Restorer’s Son came to be. And he’s featured prominently in the still-in-progress book 4. He just seems to get his way.
    I hope you’ll enjoy the read-along devotional guide in the new edition…it was a special project for me to develop that. And the bonus scenes are pure fun – exploring what other characters were experiencing in key scenes.

    • Kaci says:

      Haha! You’d never know, though. I can’t imagine it without him – I’m admittedly partial to the guy (again, don’t tell him).  Looking forward to both, Sharon.

    • Eldra says:

      Kieran? A minor character? blows raspberry Yeah, right. Even when he doesn’t want to be the center of attention, he still somehow manages to become exactly that. And now I can’t wait to read book 4!!!!

  5. Sharon, I’m so glad there will be a book 4. I love this series.

    The thing with Kieran, adding a character who will create abrasive energy means that he can’t go quietly into the night — not if you are to write him true to the personality you gave him. I think it’s a wonderful example of Tolkien’s sub-creation. You don’t paint the sun green without showing how a green sun affects the world, and you don’t add a Kieran into the midst of the People of the Verses without him affecting them. And in turn, having them affect him! 😉



    • Sharon Hinck says:

      THanks, Becky!
      I’m excited to resume work on it after my Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition is turned in this month. 🙂
      What you said about sub-creation reminds me of how much difficulty I created for myself as an author in my story-world. Since the world of the clans had a constant over-cast sky, they never saw a sun, moon, or stars….so they never invented sundials…so their concepts of time measurement are different. No written language – all sorts of other complications. Energy – not based on fire/flame – more challenges. Not a traditional fantasy setting of a pseudo-medieval world but one with some technologies, but not others – more problems. Not to mention all the metaphors I couldn’t use in narrative thought or dialogue for the characters from that world – since those images didn’t fit their world. I caught myself describing a “fire in my heart” or a sword flashing like a starry sky – and then have to stop myself and delete and refigure. 🙂

      • Kaci says:

        For what it’s worth, those types of things really made the storyworld fascinating.  It’s kinda funny, these little things we work ourselves into.  One thing fantasy’s really taught me is to not rely on colloquialisms or ‘Christianese.’

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