Thursdays Lite?

To carry on the new tradition of Thursdays Lite (or whatever Beth is calling it), I’m posting the rerun (for some) of a list my lovely sister-in-law and I conceived together last year just after the opening of Star Wars: […]
on Nov 30, 2006 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

To carry on the new tradition of Thursdays Lite (or whatever Beth is calling it), I’m posting the rerun (for some) of a list my lovely sister-in-law and I conceived together last year just after the opening of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

Enjoy … and thanks for the very entertaining comments on my last post about Nanny MacPhee!



1 – Tries to use Jedi mind tricks to persuade you to buy her a Barbie

2 – Favorite song is the Star Wars theme

3 – Calls you Darth Tyrannus when unhappy with you

4 – Comments on how her baby doll looks like a Jedi after she swaddles it

5 – Refers to the family vehicle as the Millennium Falcon

6 – Sibling rivalry involves attempted use of Force powers

7 – Any long, pointed object becomes a lightsaber

8 – Wants to grow her hair so she can style it like Padme’ or Leia

9 – Protests what he doesn’t like by saying, “I have a bad feeling about this!”

10 – Insists on Star Wars themed foods


1 – You refer to your children as “my little padawans” (or younglings)

2 – You hum the Imperial March as you prepare to carry out discipline

3 – You actually agree to BUY Star Wars themed food

4 – You buy all the Star Wars action figures the day they are released so you can get them before they sell out

5 – A compelling reason to home school is so you can attend SW ROTS at noon on opening day to beat the crowds

6 – You consider going to see SW ROTS a field trip

7 – You buy Kellogg’s cereals just for the lightsaber spoons

8 – Instead of telling your children to be careful as they go out to play, you say, “May the Force be with you”

9 – Discipline involves the plea, “My son! Don’t go over to the dark side.”

10 – On stressful days, you walk around muttering, “Dark chocolate is our ally.”

Shannon McNear has lived in one fantasy world or another since she was old enough to walk and talk. Somehow she married a totally cool and equally nerdy military guy, and together they have eight nerdy children. She has worked with Christian Fandom, Speculative Faith, the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Blog Tour, and Colonial Quills. Her most recent series is Daughters of the Lost Colony, a speculative/alternate history. Her first novella was nominated for a 2014 Rita® award, and her fourth was a 2021 Selah Award–winner. When not cooking, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, hanging out with her grandbabies and basking in the beauty of the Dakota prairies.

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