When Geeks Give Thanks

For my first post at SpecFaith, I’d like to present a list of things sci-fi and fantasy geeks are thankful for.
on Nov 24, 2015 · 11 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

It’s that time of year again. A chill has settled into the air, football season charges along in full swing, turkeys tremble in the refrigerator as their fate approaches, and in-laws around the country swamp homes for the weekend.

Time to remember the many things we’re thankful for.

It’s easy to lose sight of the day-to-day blessings amid the chaotic rush of modern life. Thanksgiving is a chance to slow down, take a breath, look around us, and see how truly fortunate we are. To appreciate everything we have—or things we’ve been spared from undergoing.

Everyone’s Thanksgiving list looks different. Since this is my inaugural post at SpecFaith (insert trumpet fanfare) you may not know this, but I’m a HUGE sci-fi and fantasy geek.

With that in mind, I’d like to present a list of things sci-fi and fantasy geeks are thankful for.

A Thanksgiving List for Geeks

  1. Say what you will about our government, at least we don’t live in a tyrannical dystopia controlled by the Capital and marked by annual Hunger Games.
  2. We have at least five more years of Doctor Who to keep us traveling through space and time.
  3. The first promo video for season two of Agent Carter is out.

    Captain America and Black Widow

    Captain America and Black Widow

  4. Because of this awesome thing known as cosplaying, we can play dress-up no matter how old we are.
  5. There is such a thing as an R2-D2 USB charger.
  6. Maybe we don’t have “enough” by modern standards, but neither are we toiling far from home on a quest that seems impossible to achieve.
  7. The invasion of relatives or friends might loom like a highstorm on the horizon. But we don’t have to worry about being unexpectedly overrun by a slew of noisy, messy, food-devouring dwarves.
  8. After Thanksgiving comes Black Friday, which means sales. Which means we can buy books—and more books. And geek paraphernalia. And appropriate Christmas presents for the geeks in our lives. Oh…and did I mention books?
  9. The best stories, even if secular, ring with the faint chimes of truth.
  10. Hobbits. Small and unassuming, they show us that heroes don’t need bulging muscles, intense powers, or brilliant minds to make a difference.
  11. Boromir memes. They help to add a touch of humor to any situation.Boromir meme
  12. We can pass the dark winter nights enjoying TV shows like Gotham, Doctor Who, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Heroes Reborn—the list goes on.
  13. Places such as SpecFaith exist, providing a common place for us geeks to gather and talk.
  14. Even if the invitation to Hogwarts hasn’t shown up yet, there’s always next year.
  15. Thanks to Marvel, superhero movies are becoming the next big thing. Which is awesome.
  16. Because of the magic of storytelling, we can live vicariously through the experiences of hundreds of different characters, travel to far-flung galaxies, and let our imaginations soar to impossible places. All from the comfort of home.
  17. Tolkien and Lewis. (Yeah, I had to slip that one in there.)
  18. Fantasy and science fiction are more popular than ever in the world of entertainment. From video games to TV shows to blockbuster movies, we geeks have plenty of options.
  19. Life might be tough, but at least we’re not under Loki’s mind-control, hallucinating from the effects of Tracker Jacker venom, or controlled by the power of the One Ring.

In addition to all this, we can thank God for the gift of stories—the foundation of our fandoms. E. Stephen Burnett will address this topic in more depth on Thursday.

What are some geeky reasons you have to be thankful?

Zachary Totah writes speculative fiction stories. This allows him to roam through his imagination, where he has illegal amounts of fun creating worlds and characters to populate them. When not working on stories or wading through schoolwork, he enjoys playing sports, hanging out with his family and friends, watching movies, and reading. He lives in Colorado and doesn't drink coffee. He loves connecting with other readers and writers. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Goodreads, and at his website.

Share your fantastical thoughts.

  1. Sherwood Smith says:

    Huzzah your list!

  2. Alassiel says:

    We do indeed have many things to be thankful for.

    I’m not so sure about #7 though. From my perspective, those two things seem about the same. My brothers may be taller than dwarves, but they will empty out the pantry just as eagerly. But to be fair, both are pretty handy when it comes to clean-up.

    • Zac Totah says:

      Haha, that’s a good point, Alassiel. My brothers are the same, but at least there aren’t 13 of them and they have better manners than dwarves. You’re right, though. Dwarves are good for clean-up duty, plus they provide free entertainment at the same time. Double win.

    • notleia says:

      I was about to say, “children” can easily fit the definition of “a slew of noisy, messy, food-devouring dwarves.” Granted, my little second cousins aren’t that bad, I just don’t grok children.

      But I have given myself permission this year to not go to extended-family stuff that is an exercise in weird because I’m one of the few in my generation that isn’t married/be-childed. Man, I just can’t seem to get away from that, whether in church or in the extended family.

  3. Eli C. says:

    I love this list, but are you sure there aren’t mind-reading/controlling powers at work? I could swear #8 is basically what I would have put. 😉

  4. Love the list, Zac. I have nothing to add. 😀



  5. Royce Hunt says:

    #21. Although many of six time Hugo Award winner Fritz Leiber’s books are unavailable at bookstores, they are available for free online.

What say you?

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