Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Beth Goddard and … oh, wait. Beth was up for today, but due to a melding of our minds, errr, a sharing of our brains … well, anyway, Beth and I will be trading off on […]
on Jul 19, 2006 · Share a reply
originally published at Speculative Faith

Hi, my name is Beth Goddard and … oh, wait. Beth was up for today, but due to a melding of our minds, errr, a sharing of our brains … well, anyway, Beth and I will be trading off on Thursdays and I offered to go first.

Okay, so … I’m Shannon, and I’ve been dreaming up stories and living in alternate realities as far back as I can remember. I grew up listening to Star Trek on syndication after The Tonight Show, because although my mom would put me to bed at 8 pm or so, I’d lie awake for a long while. I think I’ve heard every episode at least twice.

My discovery of written SF/F came at age ten, when a slightly older friend corrupted me with my first reading of Terry Brooks’ The Sword of Shannara. (Of course, I didn’t know then that it’s a “Tolkien ripoff” because I hadn’t yet read Tolkien.) Then came Heinlein, with Door Into Summer—I still remember the cat insisting on trying all the doors because he didn’t want to go out in the snow—and Anne McCaffery’s Pern series—until at last, in junior high, a fellow student loaned me The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis. When my mom explained that Aslan was symbolic of Jesus, my world was transformed. Science fiction and fantasy could be merged with my Christian faith? What an absolutely cool idea!

Much later came the discovery of contemporary SF/F written from a Christian worldview—Stephen Lawhead, Robin Hardy, Calvin Miller. I devoured all I could get my hands on, even when I thought it was a bit cheesy.

Then, the wave of Christian speculative fiction just subsided. At least I still had C.S. Lewis.

Tune in next time for a discussion of the “current wave” of Christian spec fic …

Shannon McNear has lived in one fantasy world or another since she was old enough to walk and talk. Somehow she married a totally cool and equally nerdy military guy, and together they have eight nerdy children. She has worked with Christian Fandom, Speculative Faith, the Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy Blog Tour, and Colonial Quills. Her most recent series is Daughters of the Lost Colony, a speculative/alternate history. Her first novella was nominated for a 2014 Rita® award, and her fourth was a 2021 Selah Award–winner. When not cooking, researching, or leaking story from her fingertips, she enjoys being outdoors, hanging out with her grandbabies and basking in the beauty of the Dakota prairies.

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