Win A Digital Copy of Tosca Lee’s Pandemic Thriller ‘The Line Between’

You’re grounded at home, lest a virus ravaging the planet pose even worse risk to you and your loved ones.
Outside, mindless zombie hordes claw at grocery shelves. They clamor for toilet paper and other comical, meme-worthy items.
When will this end? We don’t know. In our uncertainty, we “revert to our priors” (to quote one podcast pundit). We yell at each other over politics-of-personality–based disagreement. Perhaps this is part of how we cling to our humanity in times of trial.
Still and all, it could be worse.
Two Lorehaven magazine subscribers will win digital copies of Tosca Lee’s pandemic thriller The Line Between.
You could be a former cult member, like 22-year-old Wynter Roth.
You could have just escaped this false-religious group into an even more uncertain world.
Oh—and that world could be plunged into pandemic, which doesn’t cause coughing and lung stress, but actual murderous insanity.
… Leaving you to wonder if all those doomsday predictions you grew up hearing had been right all along.
This of course is the premise of Tosca Lee’s thriller The Line Between. Lorehaven magazine reviewed this title:
… Truth glimpses give The Line Between surprising heart-warmth amongst the chill, while its road-trip quest drives fast through mad territory and never once feels bogged down in snowbanks. Even by the finale, we get hints that our heroes have learned that yes, sometimes you must stay preserved from a world gone mad, but for the greater mission of helping others in that world. As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote, you can’t simply separate from evil people—not even cultists—in order to avoid evil. That very line between evil and good cuts through every human heart.
More recently, we explored this story (and a few others) in Fantastical Truth podcast episode 8: How Does Pandemic Fiction Help Us Seek God’s Strength in Scary Times?
Well, now author Tosca Lee is helping Lorehaven give away two digital copies of The Line Between.
Simply be a subscriber to Lorehaven magazine.
That’s free, of course, and opens access to all our magazine reviews and bonus articles. That includes our newest spring 2020 issue with the cover story The Best of Christian Fantasy.
You can also add notifications whenever Speculative Faith—this blog, from which Lorehaven arose—posts new articles.
Godspeed, stay safe, let people care who you are because you put on the mask—you know the ol’ drill.
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