You’re As Relevant As A Wimpy Mustache!

Here’s the funny thing about pursuing relevance–if you’re trying to be it, you probably aren’t. Coolness can’t be faked any more than singing with Auto-Tune makes you a vocalist (sorry T-Pain), or growing a handlebar mustache makes you a man (though I envy any man who can pull it off).
on Aug 31, 2012 · 9 replies
originally published at Speculative Faith

Relevance. Ah…it’s such a buzzword these days in publishing. Seems like everywhere you go somebody is altering themselves, their lifestyle and their message to try and be more “relevant” to the people they want to reach. Musicians do it. Comedians do it. Teachers do it. Authors do it. Heck, even churches are in the “relevance” game now.

And why not? After all, honing your delivery to be relevant simply means that you are “in-touch” with your audience, right?


Here’s the funny thing about pursuing relevance–if you’re trying to be it, you probably aren’t. Coolness can’t be faked any more than singing with Auto-Tune makes you a vocalist (sorry T-Pain), or growing a handlebar mustache makes you a man (though I envy any man who can pull it off).

The reason it doesn’t work is because people are smart. We can spot a fraud a mile away. Newsflash: the world isn’t impressed with your wimpy mustache and your auto-tuned voice. As a matter of fact, there is little in this world that annoys people more than a fake. It’s insulting to them, to you and to the God who made you to be so much more than a mere knock off of someone else’s “cool.”

Besides, relevance is fickle. What’s [insert latest word for “cool”] today may be totally [insert latest word for “lame”] tomorrow. A word of warning: If you’re reaching for relevance you’re likely to end up with a fist full of lame. Why? Because you’re going about it all wrong.

Here’s an idea for you: instead of forcing yourself to try and fit the illusive mold, why not try being authentic? (Wow, what a refreshingly timeless word.) Seriously, the word relevant sounds like a marketing push gone wrong, but authenticity? That’s a word that demands my respect.

Being authentic is something worth pursuing. My favorite people in the world are those who don’t pretend to be something they aren’t. I feel at ease around them, even if they are different from me. They live honestly, unafraid to let their “real selves” show. As a result, I never have to wonder if what they are saying is really what they mean.

One of the best examples in the Bible comes from the story of David and Goliath. Our little guy David had volunteered to slay the giant and somehow King Saul took him seriously enough to meet with the lad. After he realized this kid meant business, Saul did what every good commander would–he gave David his armor so that he would look like the champion he wanted to be. Trouble was, Saul’s armor wouldn’t fit our scrawny hero. It wasn’t his…and it wasn’t necessary. Pretending to be something he wasn’t wouldn’t have done him any good on the battlefield. And it doesn’t do us any good either.

As a writer of YA & children’s fiction I must admit I struggle with the whole wanting-to-be-relevant issue from time to time. I want kids to like my books, so I’ve been guilty of mixing it up a bit and trying out different voices that I’ve perceived are popular or successful. For example: Lemony Snicket had a very unique voice in his writing that captured the imaginations of an audience who loved his dry wit and melancholy humor. But if I tried to write in that tone in order to be popular too, it would drive me and my audience nuts. It’s his shtick, not mine. Like David, I’ll choose the weapons of words that fit my voice and let my stories resound with those who appreciate me for who I am.

That’s not to say I don’t take chances and stretch myself in my craft. The last book I co-wrote was about mice with guns, for goodness sake (which you can read for FREE).

I like this series because, like the Codebearers books, they’re the kind of books the twelve-year-old kid inside me would like to read. I write for him, because he’s easy to write for. I know him.

So the next time you’re facing a decision to change up your style to be relevant, pause for a moment and ask yourself it it’s being true to who God called you to be or if it’s playing to the crowd. Be authentic. It’s the most relevant thing you can do.

Story matters. As the balder half of the Miller Brothers writing duo, Christopher is convinced that his receding hairline is actually a solar panel for brilliant thought. While the science behind this phenomenon is sketchy (at best) one thing is undeniable – his mind is a veritable greenhouse of crazy story ideas. Oh, he's also the co-author of three award-winning youth fiction novels (The Miller Brothers) and newly released novel based on a video game and a pair of children's books. Their books are written for kids and adults who aren't afraid of adventure. His hobbies include dating his wife, raising three children and providing for his family through copywriting, web design and launching a free to read platform for novelists called One day, Chris and his brother hope to delve deeply into the realm of interactive fiction.
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Share your thoughts (and stay wholesome!)

  1. Bainespal says:

    This post is a funny, light read, but it’s very relevant.

    The wimpy mustache poster really hits me where it hurts.  I wish I could have real beard, but I have a big bald scar on my chin, and it doesn’t grow in that well, anyways. My idealized self-conception can never be actualized.

    As light and humorous as the whole mustache thing may be, I think it raises a legitimate point.  What about trying to be what we aspire to be?  Are there legitimate seeds of “relevance”?  I know there are wrong aspirations, there is vanity.  What about when we long to be better, more “epic,” than we really are on the outside?

    I think this whole “relevance” thing comes to down to a sense of serious, honest proficiency or excellence.  We are very small and very pathetic people, but we want to be good, not just morally, but we want to be compelling, awe-inspiring, attractive, epic.   Meaningful.

    • I know, right? That mustache with the hockey player is what I imagine mine would look like. 

      As to your questions:

      I’m sure there is probably a healthy dose of longing to be relevant. For instance, missionaries seeking to reach foreign cultures have a legitimate need to be accepted by the people group they are hoping to reach. However, the way they typically go about it is not by pursuing “relevance” as their main goal. Typically they will enter a village as authentic outsiders who are coming with willing hearts to learn from the people. They don’t arrive dressed in native garb (with skin painted to match) in hopes of “fitting in”. It’s the wrong approach. Over time, relevance happens because they’ve taken time to listen and understand the other culture. It’s an authentic desire to reach them. Even still, they don’t change who they are.

      True aspiration is something that I think comes as part of our authentic desires. It’s not birthed out of a mindset of “gee, we should look like him/her”. Ultimately, our value isn’t based on being externally’s based on being authentically loved by God and feeling comfortable in that love.

      God gives us our meaning. Our art isn’t what defines that. It’s just part of our love song back to the giver of everything good. Oh…and it doesn’t have to be labeled “christian” to be part of that song either. Building skyscrapers can be done to the glory of God if your heart is right.

      My two cents.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts too. Good discussion.

  2. Galadriel says:

    My theme song is”I’m not cool (That’s okay)” by Scott Kripayne, so… it’s not really one of my issues.

  3. Kessie says:

    Your link to the mice-with-guns story doesn’t seem to have showed up. Can you link it again?
    And you’re right about the authenticity vs. relevance. I mean, what do you write to be “relevant?” I haven’t a clue. But I can write authentic.

  4. Dotty says:

    It’s funny how in the world right most people are struggling to be relevant, instead of being authentic. The pressure of being like so and so is just to high and some people are willing to do anything to achieve that.

  5. Thanks for this reminder. It took me a while to get around to reading this article, but His timing is perfect. Tonight is when I needed to hear it.

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