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Fiction Friday: Sojourner by Janalyn Voigt
As a thank-you gift for any purchase of Janalyn Voigt’s latest, buyers can receive free ebooks by speculative fiction authors.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in October 2019
Brad and His Dad
Moral of the story: we are not alone in the universe, but we don’t have to look to the stars to find who else is out there.
Mark Carver in October 2019
Fantasy Authors Win Three Awards At 2019 ACFW Conference
Christian fantasy authors scored three ACFW Carol Awards, while Realm Makers hosted the conference bookstore.
E. Stephen Burnett in October 2019
A Case Study in Fictional Magic: Dawn Before the Dark
In Dawn Before the Dark, magic at first glance would seem to stem from gods other than the one Creator. How will this story world of a gender-based curse turn that apparent focus on magic on its head? How does this book link a strong story with a desire to honor God?
Travis Perry in September 2019
What Harm Could Come from Fictional Magic?
Is it actually possible for a fictional portrayal of magic to do harm? Should “harm” be our primary focus in the first place–or honoring God?
Travis Perry in September 2019
Readers, Come As You Are, But Don’t Stay as You’ve Been
Fear of “preachiness” can infect Christian creators who then seriously wonder, “Are themes no longer allowed in fiction?”
Rebecca P. Minor in September 2019
Seven Ways to Deal With the Problem Magic Poses Christian Fantasy Writers
What is really is the problem with magic according to the Bible? How (and why) can Christian fantasy writers deal with this problem when creating stories?
Travis Perry in September 2019
The Sky is Falling
As technology and planning improves, death and destruction is mitigated by degrees, but the fact remains that we are still at the mercy of the Earth in all aspects.
Mark Carver in September 2019
Tranquility: Tainting Creation in Fantasy Fiction
Tranquility is the first fantasy novel to include a mythical creature based on the common loon.
Christa Conklin in August 2019
Fiction Friday: Stormrise by Jillian Boehme
About Stormrise: “Captivating world-building and fantastical creatures . . . This lush, epic fantasy filled with magic and dragons will circulate well among fans of Tamora Pierce and J.R.R. Tolkien.” ―School Library Journal
Rebecca LuElla Miller in August 2019
Shields, Starship Combat, and Outer Space Fortresses
A realistic look at shields and defenses for starships and space stations can help you make interesting and plausible stories about outer space combat.
Travis Perry in August 2019
The Price and Power of Individual Choices
Some readers have asked me why The Savage War doesn’t have much to do with magic. My first serious answer is that High Fantasy was not the story I was given to write. My second is that it is very […]
Esther Wallace in August 2019
Non-Lethal Speculative Fiction Weapons
On Star Trek, setting a weapon to “stun” is easy. In reality, it’s easier to use energy to kill or maim than to immobilize. But science fiction and fantasy stories alike can benefit from thinking about what non-lethal weapons can do.
Travis Perry in August 2019
‘I Do Not Read Fluff!’
If she’d said, “I’m not a fiction person,” or “I’m not into fantasy,” I would have understood.
K. Berklund-Pagé in August 2019
The Serious Business of Science Fiction and Fantasy
I have friends who don’t quite understand why I think science fiction and fantasy are important. I explain why in this post.
Travis Perry in August 2019
Grace Through ‘The Story Peddler’ Helped Me Find Healing from Trauma
Lindsay A. Franklin: While creating The Story Peddler and its sequels, I found a safe place to pour out the emotional turmoil of my own story.
Lindsay A. Franklin in August 2019
From the Archives: How Dark is Too Dark?
How dark is too dark? Is it permissible to include horrific and explicit elements in a story intended for the Christian market?
Mark Carver in July 2019
Beatitudes and Woes: A Groundbreaking Anthology
The Beatitudes and Woes anthology uses speculative stories to illustrate well-known statements Jesus made. Perhaps this method will prove to be groundbreaking–used by other anthologies in the future.
Travis Perry in July 2019
Children Don’t Need Magic: A Response to Joshua Gibbs
Magic is fun in fiction, but children don’t actually need magic to experience the awe of the Creator.
Mark Carver in July 2019
For Fans, Your Family, and the Church: Get the New Issue of Lorehaven Magazine
Shawn Smucker delights in magic at life’s margins, we review great new Christian fantasy, and fanservants seek the Psalms and discern YA’s allure.
E. Stephen Burnett in July 2019
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