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Valiant Explores Destiny versus Free Will
In Merrie Destefano’s new novel Valiant, free will and destiny work hand in hand.
Merrie Destefano in December 2018
Does Diversity in Fantasy Publishing Reflect God’s Kingdom or Identity Politics?
Is forced diversity in secular publishing really the same as biblical diversity?
Mike Duran in December 2018
Growing Diversity in Fantasy Genres Gives Us Hints of Eternity
Science fiction and fantasy are growing up and embracing the stories of traditionally marginalized people groups.
Daniel Whyte IV in December 2018
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 13: Training for High-End Capabilities
The high-end capabilities of advanced military systems can be vastly different from what they achieve at the low-end. Highly advanced weapons systems, whether technical or magical, require specialized training.
Travis Perry in December 2018
Truth Or Reality In Fantasy
We are drawn to the truth, to the clear explanation that there is a good ruler, a right way, a guardian-king, and we can side with him.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in December 2018
Speculative Fiction Writers Guide to War, part 12: Military Training Types
The military training of hereditary warrior castes, barbarians, paid professional soldiers, draftees, militias, and levies have varied. Use these types of training in your stories–or use knowledge of them to stand tropes on their head.
Travis Chapman in November 2018
Thankful for the 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special?
The 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special is widely considered one of the worst pieces of entertainment of all time. Yet even it leaves me reasons to be thankful.
Travis Perry in November 2018
Does Narnia “Rewrite” Christianity?
When something like Schnelbach’s article comes out, especially from a reputable fantasy source such as Tor, I suspect a number of readers have digested this idea that misrepresents Lewis’s views. Many may have even embraced it, so I think it’s imperative to take a stand against such an understanding that undermines a man known for his Christian worldview. And for his many fiction and non-fiction books that deal with Christianity.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in November 2018
The Hidden Message of Salvation
The salvation story of Christ is deeply buried in many epic fantasy classics, such as the Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings.
Aviya Carmen in November 2018
Speculative Fiction Writer’s Guide to War, part 11: Training a Spartan, Samurai, or Starship Trooper
The elite training of warriors as different as Spartans, Samurai, and Starship Troopers show many features in common. These features drill warriors to prepare them to face the harsh realities of combat.
Travis Perry in November 2018
The Nature of the Beast
How does the idea of monsters fit into the Christian walk?
Mark Carver in November 2018
Halloween and the Aesthetic of Evil
“Halloween is all about darkness and ugliness.” But Christians who say this confuse aesthetics with morality.
G. Shane Morris in October 2018
A Horror Newbie Discovers Dracula
This year I read Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the first time, and here’s what I thought about it.
E. Stephen Burnett in October 2018
A March of Stereotypes
Taking a broad view of speculative fiction, and especially of science fiction, we may discern the march of female stereotypes.
Shannon McDermott in October 2018
Secularists (and Some Conservatives) Must Learn to Dance with Fairy Tales
It’s not just legalistic Christians who condemn princesses Cinderella, Rapunzel, or Elsa.
E. Stephen Burnett in October 2018
Speculative Fiction Writer’s Guide to War, Part 7: The Fearless Elite
How likely is it to find the farm kid who is fearless in the face of danger and ready to kill the enemy? Rarer than you think.
Travis Chapman in October 2018
One in a Million
What if parallel worlds do exist? Does that mean there is a world out there where Adam didn’t sin?
Mark Carver in October 2018
Great Male Characters in Fantastic Fiction
E. Stephen Burnett asked five female friends to describe a favorite male character from fantastic fiction.
E. Stephen Burnett in October 2018
Speculative Fiction Writer’s Guide to War, Part 6: Psychology of Warfare: The Act of Killing
The human response to killing in a combat environment is influenced by distance and method.
Travis Chapman in October 2018
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