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Heavy Metal
After the recent shooting in Orlando, the media’s attention once again turned to gun control, the meaning of the Second Amendment, and the nation’s obsessions with firearms. Everything that could possibly be said on both sides of the issue has been said, but there is one truth on which I believe everyone can agree: entertainment without weapons would be pretty boring.
Mark Carver in June 2016
Fiction Friday – The Hive By John Otte
A pregnant cyborg and a teenage boy fight against intergalactic governments to protect the unborn.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in June 2016
Make Stories Succeed With This One Weird Trick
One “weird” trick can help anyone who wants to share or craft great stories.
E. Stephen Burnett in June 2016
Six Famous Characters Christians Can Appropriate
Here are six handy hashtags to help Christians appropriate popular culture for the faith.
E. Stephen Burnett in June 2016
Body Count Vs. Human Cost
Unless violence and death happen to the main characters in a story, we rarely see and feel the human cost of those deaths, of the families left behind, of the children now orphaned, of the villages and kingdoms without their leaders, of the friends and lovers whose hearts ache for those they can never embrace again.
Mark Carver in June 2016
Realm Makers Presenters, Part 5 – Mike Duran
Mike identifies closely with the horror genre. In fact, he’s addressed this topic in previous years at Realm Makers, has a guest post here at Spec Faith on the subject, and has a nonfiction book—
Christian Horror
—that explores the topic. This year he will teach a continuing session on “The Theology Of Speculative Fiction” and an elective on “The Crossover Christian Novelist.”
Rebecca LuElla Miller in May 2016
The Power Of Ink
Tattoos have historically been associated with strength, aggression, power, status, rebellion, and tribal identity.
Mark Carver in May 2016
When Man Plays God
Many stories have asked, “What if we could play God and conquer death?”
Zac Totah in May 2016
Realm Makers Presenters, Part 2 – Kathy Tyers
Kathy Tyers has also taken up the mantel of writing instructor. Having been certified as a classroom teacher after her graduation from Montana State University, she was not unfamiliar with the ins and outs of imparting information in a formal setting.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in May 2016
Fiction Friday – Dragonfriend By Marc Secchia
The traitor Ra’aba tried to silence Hualiama forever. But he reckoned without the strength of a dragonet’s paw, and the courage of a girl who refused to die.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in May 2016
A Deal With The Devil
No one ever congratulates themselves on making a deal with the devil. They always regret it in the end.
Mark Carver in May 2016
Finding Hope In A Hopeless World
One theme runs through almost every epic tale. The fragile hope that the hero will conquer in the face of what seem to be insurmountable odds. Hope. A small yet profound word. It’s an idea that recurs time and again […]
Zac Totah in May 2016
Fantasy, Theology, and The Depiction Of Evil
In contrast to reality fiction, fantasy can have evil show up in whatever imagined form, but inevitably, the real truth about evil comes out: it is opposed to good. That’s the heart of evil.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in April 2016
No Rest For The Weary
Nothing offers us the sanctuary we thought it would when we first laid eyes on it. But we keep looking, and we know that we cannot stop or we will perish.
Mark Carver in April 2016
The Price Of Sacrifice
Sacrifice is a key theme in stories. I was reminded of this during this past weekend, when my family was watching Lord of the Rings. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen the movies, and as I watched the […]
Zac Totah in April 2016
How Quests Show The Importance Of Community
“Frodo wouldn’t have gotten far without Sam.” One of the most touching, truthful lines in the entire Lord of the Rings saga. It’s true Frodo wouldn’t have made it far without Sam, even though he tried to leave everyone behind […]
Zac Totah in April 2016
Learning From The Secular: Christian Science Fiction And Fantasy’s Distinctive
Christian science fiction or fantasy most often dramatizes the spiritual in general terms rather than in the particular. It’s like writing, What is the spiritual journey of
, instead of writing, What is
spiritual journey.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in April 2016
Badfan v Superman: Top Ten Movie Myths, Part 1
E. Stephen Burnett, Austin Gunderson, and Kerry Nietz loved “Batman v Superman” and take on ten challenges of the film’s superheroes and super-story.
E. Stephen Burnett in March 2016
Fiction Friday – Rebel By R. J. Anderson
Rebel (Enclave Publishing) No Ordinary Fairy Tale Book 2 By R. J. Anderson Introduction The last time Timothy broke a rule, he got suspended. But when he defies the faery empress, it might well get him killed. Timothy Sinclair doesn’t […]
Rebecca LuElla Miller in March 2016
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