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Topics: Science fiction
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What Aliens Teach Us About God, part 1
Science fiction often shows aliens as an exaggerated form of human being, which can actually help us understand God.
Travis Perry in January 2018
Doctor Who: No Longer a Good Man?
“Doctor Who” seems to be regenerating in a radically new direction. Why don’t I want to go?
E. Stephen Burnett in December 2017
Guns. Lots of Guns.
Guns are fun to shoot in real life and fun to watch on-screen. But they are just a tool.
Mark Carver in October 2017
Six Things that Work Aboard ‘Star Trek: Discovery’
Star Trek: Discovery lets Christian fans engage a conflicted sci-fi world built on humanism.
E. Stephen Burnett in September 2017
Let It Shine
The power of light can turn a walking nightmare into a CGI curiosity.
Mark Carver in September 2017
An Empty Shell
Man’s best efforts to perfect the body will ultimately burn away with the rest of the fallen world, and God will restore everything to greater glory and harmony than anything man could ever devise.
Mark Carver in July 2017
Why Do We Love Doctor Who?
When compared to modern heroes, Doctor Who stands out like a field of strawberries in the middle of a desert. What makes fans love this time traveling alien?
Zac Totah in July 2017
Making The 13th Doctor A Woman: Terrible Move or Smart Choice?
Was casting a female Doctor a good move? What are some of the pros and cons of the decision?
Zac Totah in July 2017
10 Fantastic Spec-fic Reads For Summer
A list of top-notch spec-fic books to enjoy reading over the summer.
Zac Totah in May 2017
Did Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Fly or Flop?
I can’t remember watching a movie with such a stark contrast between the first and second halves. That disparity matches the mixed bag of opinions surfacing about Guardians 2.
Zac Totah in May 2017
Weekday Fiction Fix: Edge Of Oblivion
Earth has emerged from a cataclysmic dark age with little knowledge of its past. Aided by the discovery of advanced alien technology, humanity ventures into the stars, joining other sentient races in a sprawling, prosperous interstellar Confederacy.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in March 2017
What Was And What Might Be: The Fifteenth Article
Our guest this week is Linda Rondeau, author of the soon-to-be-released novel, The Fifteenth Article (Elk Publishing). – – – – – When we look back and then forward, we discover that the adage is true: The more things change […]
Linda Wood Rondeau in March 2017
Earth Is Our Final Destination
I love to take hypothetical and speculative romps through the imagination but I consider myself to be a realist. I find the media and the public’s enthusiasm for the rather frequent discovery of “habitable” worlds to be silly groupthink excitement.
Mark Carver in March 2017
The Foolishness Of God
1 Corinthians 1:25: “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (NIV).
Mark Carver in February 2017
Is God Out There?
I suspect that if a project like this was launched, its managers would make a concerted effort to screen out anyone with religious beliefs, for the purposes of conflict avoidance but more importantly for the simple fact that the human heart naturally shuns God.
Mark Carver in January 2017
Dun Dun Dun Dun Da-Dun Dun Da-Dun…
Hitler, and the whole Nazi Reich, were the perfect bad guys. Homogeneous (by their own efforts), sharply dressed in intimidating uniforms, a very eye-catching logo and distinct greeting gesture (quite the opposite of “Live Long and Prosper”), and a coldly mechanical and unstoppable war machine bent on global domination *evil laugh.* You can’t write a better fictitious villain or enemy if you tried.
Mark Carver in January 2017
Well, When You Say It Like That…
“A technician’s job is to find glitches, so he sees glitches. Your job is to find the enemy, so you see the enemy. Locals believe in spirits, so they see spirits. Everyone’s biased.”
Mark Carver in December 2016
We Were In The Neighborhood…
What would I do if aliens showed up? How would I react? Would it shake me to the core of my faith, like it did for the hapless puritan in Paul? Would it revive my faith, like it did for Mel Gibson in Signs? Would it encourage me to pull out my old Simon game and use the flashing lights and cool synthesized notes to try and communicate ala Close Encounters of the Third Kind?
Mark Carver in November 2016
The Military, Veterans, And Speculative Fiction
In thinking about the military, I had to wonder about the place of the military in speculative stories. Perhaps most famous are the Storm Troopers of Star Wars, but other stories, particularly dystopian fantasy such as Hunger Games, includes a strong military—as part of the side of evil.
Rebecca LuElla Miller in November 2016
Is Doctor Strange Dangerous For Christians?
Will watching Doctor Strange open the door to the occult, to dangerous Eastern mysticism and New Age beliefs, to things Christians should never associate with?
Zac Totah in November 2016
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