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The Culling Begins by Anthony DeGroot

The Culling Begins

Twelve Spirit Oaks keep the Great Deceiver in Tartarus, but what happens when those guardians begin to disappear?

The Sending

The minions of Satan think Mark is working completely for their errands. But someone else is sending Mark, as well. Racing time to find them and the Tree of Life, Mark must decide if he’s willing to lose his faith to save his soul. By Matt Koceich.

Second Time Around

While Time Lottery spokesman Alexander MacMillan manages the increasingly dangerous paparazzi on the outside, three time-traveling lottery contestants face agonizing decisions about their futures. Book 2 in the Time Lottery series, science fiction for adult readers.

Time Lottery

“Today, three people will be chosen to use the Time Lottery to make history — and to change their own. These three winners will truly receive a second chance at life.” Book 1 in the Time Lottery series, science fiction for adult readers.