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The Dead Whisper On

Candace MacHugh’s father promised to contact her from the “other side” if he could … but it’s been eleven long years. But one evening from the shadows she hears a familiar voice — Bud MacHugh’s trademark growl. By T.L. Hines.
· July 2007 · for

Now he’s back … and this time a dead man hasn’t returned to life.

But he is speaking from the shadows.

More than most anything, Candace MacHugh misses her father. He promised to contact her from the “other side” if he could … but it’s been eleven long years. And now even his beloved city of Butte, Montana, seems to be dying off.

But one evening from the shadows she hears a familiar voice — Bud MacHugh’s trademark growl. He has a message for her and dire warnings for Butte and the world.

What say you?