Sir Christopher Lee on Occult Magic: ‘Never, Never, Never’

“I warn all of you—never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind. You’ll lose your soul.”
on Jun 11, 2015 · 1 comment

Sir Christopher Lee died on Sunday, The Telegraph reported today.

The veteran actor was nearly 93 and had not stopped working. He was famous for portraying Dracula and the evil wizard Saruman from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film series.

Skimming his listing on Wikipedia, I found a fascinating video from Nov. 8, 2011, in which the actor who played an evil sorcerer shared his thoughts on the actual occult. The clip is transcribed below.

Questioner: It’s well known that you have a huge interest in the occult and one of the largest collections of books —

I don’t have a huge collection [of occult books]. Somebody wrote I had 20,000 books. [Laughter.]

I’d have to live in a bath. [Laughter and long applause.]

I have maybe four or five. [Laughter.] I have The Devil Rides Out, first edition, signed to me by Dennis Wheatley. [There] was a book just come out about him, called [The] Devil is a Gentleman.

And I have met people who claimed to be Satanists, who claimed to be involved with black magic, who claimed that they not only knew a lot about it. But as I said, I certainly haven’t been involved. And I warn all of you—never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind. You’ll lose your soul.

I don’t have a big library on the occult, no. Look, the internet and the media—if they can’t think of something to do, they invent it. [Laughter.] If they can’t think of something to say, I mean, they invent it. I don’t know who thought that one up. Looks good in print, I suppose. But it’s not true.

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast, and coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and other resources for fans and families. He and his wife, Lacy, live in the Austin area, where they serve in their local church. His first novel, a science-fiction adventure, arrives in 2025 from Enclave Publishing.
  1. Dylan says:

    I’m pleasantly surprised to see Lee had something of a spiritual side. It looks like, whatever his exact beliefs were, he was the sort to keep them private.

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