1. Personally, I feel indifference toward Amish Vampires in Space.  It’s something that doesn’t immediately appeal to me, but which I’d nonetheless consider reading upon recommendation.  With that said, I don’t think Steve Laube has managed to put anyone’s concerns to rest with this Q&A.  All he’s said is “it would not have been a book I would have published had I been the publisher.”  But we already knew that.  What we still don’t know is why.  And it’s the why that’s making people nervous.  Does Mr. Laube deem the book too campy?  Too violent?  Too transgressive of sacred CBA-esque tropes?  What?

    The real answer may or may not have extensive ramifications.

    • Recommendation issued. Read it.

      Only disclaimer: don’t expect the novel, at least its present edition, to reach all the way to the final pages. If you do then the ending will seem much too premature. (But the MLP version includes preview chapters of other MLP titles.)

      What we still don’t know is why.

      It could be because it’s (on the surface) making fun of Amish. Or perhaps because the “camp” (on the surface) of the premise is different from MLP’s usual offerings.

      R.L. Copple offers some interesting speculations tomorrow.

  2. dmdutcher says:

    He didn’t say much more than he did here.
    Eh, well, wait and see I guess.

What say you?