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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by G.P. Taylor
Kate and Thomas have barely escaped the evil sorcerer Demurral, and are sailing to London to make a fresh start. But someone knows they are coming, and is lying in wait.
London is picking up the pieces after a near-Apocalypse—a comet has just missed the Earth, leaving the city in chaos. Only the blind boy oracle, Tersias, can see the future. But he is captured by Solomon, a false prophet. Fantasy for readers teen and older, by G.P. Taylor.
Panic fills the streets of London on a night in 1756 when the earth suddenly lurches forward and starts spinning out of control. Eleven days and nights flash through the sky, finally leaving the city in total darkness. Is the end of the world at hand? Fantasy by G.P. Taylor.
In this tale set on the 1700’s Yorkshire coast, Obadiah Demurral is a vicar set on gaining control of the highest power in the universe. The only people in his way are two children, Kate and Thomas. Fantasy for teen readers and older, by G.P. Taylor.