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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by Robert Liparulo
Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad … and last defense against a lunatic’s high-tech killing machine. Book 2 of the John Hutchinson series, thriller/contemporary science fiction for adult readers.
Deep in the Northwest Territories, four vacationing friends discover that another group has targeted the secluded hamlet of Fiddler Falls for a worse purpose: to field-test the ultimate weapon.
The release of the virus will usher in a new era of power where countries are left without defense. Where a single person–or millions–could be killed with perfect accuracy and zero collateral damage. Where your own DNA works against you. Thriller/science fiction for adult readers.
The ancients saw Death as a blazing figure on horseback, swift and merciless. Now, two FBI agents pursuing a killer from a centuries-old cult realize they have become his prey.