A Star so Bound and Broken by Yakira Goldsberry

A Star So Bound and Broken

Jorrin has only five days to find his missing friend. But it won’t be easy to find a lost star in the dangerous city of Bash-al Feret, ruled by Rahim Padishah, the immortal ruler who hungers for stardust.
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The Immortal Abyss by Katherine Briggs

The Immortal Abyss

Nations rise and fall in the aftermath of war over the Eternity Gate. The corrupted desert throne stands empty, and the Immortal Abyss awakens.
The Immortal Abyss expands the world of The Eternity Gate, exploring national conflicts and personal maturity while building pathos to satisfying conclusions.
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Where Darkness Cannot Follow by A. M. Daylin

Where Darkness Cannot Follow

Two wholesome heroes seek a lost divine power through a monster-ridden canyon.
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The Chaos Grid, Lindsey Lewellen

The Chaos Grid

The Plex is endangering its citizens by legalizing a deadly nano drug, and Juniper’s family needs her help to deliver the counteragent.
Lyndsey Lewellen’s near-futuristic The Chaos Grid turns the familiar landscape of Texas into a quick-paced post-apocalyptic journey.
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Sand and Storm by Stella Dorthwany

Sand and Storm

Cora has the strength to conquer the Ring—but only if she reconciles her relationship with the husband who has rejected her.
Stella Dorthwany’s debut conjures a delightful read, with a unique and well-developed magic system, engaging characters, and a thrilling plot.
Lorehaven review, winter 2018
The Rise of Aredor, Claire M. Banschbach

The Rise of Aredor

A prince must escape slavery in a foreign land and return home to free his country from his former master.
Claire M. Banschbach spins an enjoyable, worthwhile adventure of wartime courage.
Lorehaven review, summer 2018
The Horse and His Boy, C. S. Lewis

The Horse and His Boy

During the glorious reign of Narnian kings and queens Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, Shasta, a young boy living in Calormen with a cruel man who claims to be his father, begins his journey to the unknown North.
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