Crown of Fire

Lady Firebird Angelo Caldwell has been sentenced to death “in absentia” for treason, sedition, and heresy. The last thing she expects is a summons to return home and be confirmed as an heiress of her royal house.
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Fusion Fire

Forced to forsake her royal heritage, Lady Firebird now faces new and powerful enemies. Firebird is pregnant with twins when her new husband, Brennen Caldwell, is left as the only heir to ancient messianic prophecies.
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Firebird, Kathy Tyers


With her own people seeking her sacrifice, Lady Firebird must choose between two worlds before she can carve out her new destiny.
Tyers deftly describes other worlds, adding color to landscapes and intensity to emotions … a fantastic find for Christian fans and beyond.
Lorehaven review, spring 2020
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Daystar, Kathy Tyers


In the Firebird alternate universe, the messianic bloodline has been genetically altered. Who is the Boh-Dabar, the prophesied Word to Come?
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Wind and Shadow

Kiel Caldwell investigates rumors of new spiritual revelation, but he is kidnapped by a demon-possessed telepath who thinks he might be a predicted messiah.
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The Annotated Firebird, Kathy Tyers

The Annotated Firebird

In a single volume with newly created maps and annotations, here are the first three volumes of the beloved Firebird space-opera series.
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Lorehaven epilogue sponsors