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Discover 1,427 listed novel titles and 327 reviews of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Winter Spell, Claire M. Banschbach

Winter Spell

When an outcast faery accidentally curses the world with brutal winter, she must undo the curse with a war-torn band of heroes before human and faeries kingdoms are destroyed.
The Wolf Prince, Claire M. Banschbach

The Wolf Prince

A cursed prince and his brother race against time to defeat an evil sorcerer before a wicked spell dooms them all.
Adela's Curse, Claire M. Banschbach

Adela’s Curse

A young faery risks everything to defeat an evil witch before she dooms an innocent human.
Black Bottle Man, Craig Russell

Black Bottle Man

A boy caught up in a Faustian bargain to save his aunt’s souls must find a champion who can defeat the Black Bottle Man.
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