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The Father's Tree, Crystal Jencks

The Father’s Tree

Six desperate travelers quest to find the fruit that can save the world, but in doing so trigger the war to end all wars.

The Sending

The minions of Satan think Mark is working completely for their errands. But someone else is sending Mark, as well. Racing time to find them and the Tree of Life, Mark must decide if he’s willing to lose his faith to save his soul. By Matt Koceich.

Havah: The Story Of Eve

Myth and legend shroud her in mystery. Now hear her story. From paradise to exile, from immortality to the death of Adam, experience the dawn of mankind through the eyes of Eve, the woman first known … as Havah. Biblical fantasy for adult readers.

Fall Of The Nephilim

God’s judgment is drawing near, and Noah, with His commission, is building the ark.

Quest For Atlan

Step back in time to a primal civilizationwhere giants dwell, dragons fly and the battle between good and evil still rages on, threatening Noah’s life — and the ark that would preserve faith and humanity. Book 2 of the Cradleland Chronicles series by Douglas Hirt.

Flight To Eden

It’s the dawn of humanity, and civilization is rapidly advancing. But a dark power is at work, intent on gaining complete control of the Cradleland — the birthplace of the still-young world. Book 1 of the Cradleland Chronicles series by Dougals Hirt.