Quest for Atlan
Step back in time to a primal civilizationwhere giants dwell, dragons fly and the battle between good and evil still rages on, threatening Noah’s life—and the ark that would preserve faith and humanity.
Douglas Hirt · July 2005 ·
fantasy for all adults
Step back in time to a primal civilization in the Garden of Eden where giants dwell, dragons fly and the battle between good and evil still rages on, threatening Noah’s life — and the ark that would preserve faith and humanity!
In this, the second of the Cradleland Chronicles series, Rhone’s evil brother rules over Atlan—until Rhone is commissioned by the Gardener to remove him! But there are obstacles to overcome — the forces of evil and even the power of love that sometimes clouds our way. Still, Rhone must find a place where Noah can be safe and eventually build the ark that will preserve faith in the earth through a remnant of souls.
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