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As a vengeful enchantress, fiery monster, and impending war threaten the Undersea Realm, Locklyn and Darin must decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stop the locket’s revenge.
“Thanks to favorite heroes returning from The Mermaid’s Tale, joined by new arrivals, this ocean is full of vibrant and memorable life.”
After the legendary mermaid Thessalonike resurfaces, Reanna must be trained to use her magic—only to find herself facing down her mother’s right-hand general with her own soul on the line.
When a runaway mermaid princess is kidnapped and taken back to Atlantis, she must overcome her own self-doubts, recover her magic, and work with new friends to stop a war.
Jacob didn’t ask to fall in love with a mermaid, but when he seeks treatment for his “hallucination,” a very real mermaid is forced to face the human world.