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Discover 1,427 listed novel titles and 327 reviews of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Rift by Steven James


When seventeen-year-old Sahara O’Saughnessy discovers a rift into the realm of lore, the most haunting stories she’s been telling her friends come to life.
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The Burning Tree by Helen Dent

The Burning Tree

In Ellie Caster’s town of Bishop’s Gap, the feuding Caster and Levy families both dread the mark, a scorch that brings a curse from the Burning Tree.
“Helen Dent’s debut The Burning Tree brings magical realism to rural Georgia, untangling thickets of familial strife with colorful characters and verdant prose.”
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Light from Distant Stars, Shawn Smucker

Light from Distant Stars

Cohen Marah steps over his father’s body, and then steps into a labyrinth of memory. Did he kill his father?
“Magic-edged memory meets the reality of death and family trauma.”
Lorehaven review, summer 2019

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