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Divine Summons

Will Captain Vinyanel Ecleriast allow his contentious relationship with his half-elven mentor to interfere with his sworn duty?
· October 2011 · for ,

When a dark plot to undermine the security of the elven nation emerges, Captain Vinyanel Ecleriast must decide. Will he allow his contentious relationship with his half-elven mentor, the Prophetess Veranna, to interfere with his sworn duty to protect his people and his homeland?

Newly ordained as the future High Commander of the First Airborne Division of the Elven Cavalry, Vinyanel sets off astride his new mount — a silver dragon — to intervene before the elves’ enemies disappear into the wilderness not only with priceless artifacts pivotal to the elves’ safety, but the life of the elven king in their hands.

Only if he can put aside his preconceptions and take full hold of Veranna’s teaching will Vinyanel find the strength to fulfill his Divine Summons.

Book 1 of the The Windrider Saga series.


Review from R. E. Mills (from

There is little not to like here, especially if you are a fantasy/adventure minded reader. Elves & Dragons. Prophets & Demons. And dragon-kin. I can’t forget to mention the dragon-kin… cursed lizard men who… ok, well its a long back story that the author has (thankfully) resisted the urge to weigh down this particular tale with. We are free to enjoy classic fantasy (dare I say RPG) nods without the burden of over explanation fantasy can sometimes fall into.

The plot is uncluttered and moves briskly through short, easy to digest chapters. It is light and fun and free of weighty entanglement with over wrought messages or agenda, but not without substance. And certainly not without some inner turmoil by the elf in uniform. Just what this sort of adventure tale should be. It is very easy to tell yourself ‘just one more chapter’ and find yourself captive for three.

What say you?