Jamie Foley’s worldbuilding is astounding . . . layers of plot and various twists make this a book readers won’t want to put down.
Lorehaven review, summer 2020


The elementals have decided they’re gods, and humans are nothing but fuel for their fire.
· March 2020 · for

A starving trapper.

Merciless drought withers Kira’s ranch, leaving her family hungry—and desperate enough to cross the border into the forbidden forest to trap wild game.

But the forest is infested with tree-scorpions and giant cats that wield elemental invisibility, and they’re hungry, too. When Kira mistakes one elemental creature for another, she ends up with the last thing she wants in her trap: an enemy soldier.

An invisible spy.

Ryon can’t afford to be a prisoner of war. If the Malaano Empire extracts his secrets, the rumors of war will be confirmed—and the tribes stand little chance against the Empire unless they can put aside generations of bad blood for the sake of a Tribal Alliance.

When Ryon’s escape leaves Kira injured and her livelihood in flames, Ryon must choose between aiding her… or returning to his chieftess with vital information. But can he survive the trek when an elemental pursues him for his rejected heritage?

A sacrificial princess.

Imperial Princess Vylia is given a powerful ancient stone as her wavesinger trials approach. But is the stone’s whispering voice from the water goddess, or a masquerading elemental the creator god imprisoned millennia ago?

When Vylia’s diplomatic mission to the tribal lands erupts in fiery revenge, she, Kira, and Ryon must work together to survive—or become pawns in the battle of the gods.

Book 1 of the The Katrosi Revolution series.

Review of Emberhawk

· June 2020

Desperate times call for desperate allies, and Jamie Foley’s Emberhawk calls forth brilliant fantasy with a unique and complex world of elemental entities, political machinations, and unlikely love. Kiralau finds herself lost and injured in the woods with Ryon, a spy and enemy of her people. She has no choice but to follow him to safety. When they reach his city, they find themselves caught in a plot to incite a war that will destroy both their nations. Foley’s worldbuilding is astounding, from the interactions between various tribes and ruling nations to the way elementals relate to humans and how humans receive and use their elemental powers. At first the romance seems a little cliché, but ultimately this too satisfies. Layers of plot and various twists make this a book readers won’t want to put down.

Best for: Young adults and any fan of fantasy, romance, and unique worlds in which characters have powers.

Discern: Romance as the story’s central focus, some violence, and oblique references to sex.

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