Tired of sitting on the defensive, Chris and Tyler go after the hive–the dark entity created when humans and demons join forces. When they disappear, Reese and the others must continue the hunt.
Rachel Starr Thomson · July 2013 ·
fantasy supernatural and beyond for all adults, all teens+YA
The Oneness holds the world together … what happens if it falls apart?
Tired of sitting on the defensive, Chris and Tyler go after the hive–the dark entity created when humans and demons join forces. When they disappear, Reese and the others must continue the hunt. An abandoned warehouse, a possessed teen, a children’s home, a rural community, and a trail of murders–all lead to final confrontation with the enemy.
And with the truth: That if the Oneness turns on itself, it becomes the greatest danger in the world.
Book 2 of the The Oneness Cycle series.
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