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all results in Christian-made novels by Rachel Starr Thomson
The Sacred Land is in turmoil, and the terrible judgment foreseen by the prophets even now wings its way over the sea. A bloodthirsty queen reigns in the Holy City, and the dragon-headed god Kimash is ascendant.
Alack and his surly mentor, Kol Abaddon, arrive in the Westland as slaves. But Kol Abaddon’s powerful God cannot be enslaved, and when he thunders out on their behalf, they find themselves standing before the new emperor.
Haunted by images of the fire and desperate to know the truth about her destiny, April wrestles with inner demons that threaten to cut her off from those she loves most.
To Alack, a young shepherd boy, Kol Abbadon’s visions of coming destruction fascinate and disturb. But when Alack begins to see visions of his own, the course of his life changes as he treks into the wilderness to become a prophet in training.
In a world where the Oneness exists, nothing looks the same. Dead men walk. Demons prowl the air. Old friends peel back their mundane masks and prove as supernatural as angels.
After the events in Attack, the Oneness returned home in triumph — all except Reese and Tyler, who remain on the road with the subversive cult leader called Jacob.
Jordy Sharp dreams of musical success in Icarius, the City in the Sky–a metropolis of skyscrapers where the upper classes live hundreds of floors above the lower classes, travel happens in the air, and secrets disappear in the streets far below.
Battling the hive–a network of humans and demons–nearly killed them all. Now Richard and Mary take the Oneness on the offensive: picking out their targets, the cell goes after the humans at the center of the hive one by one.
Tired of sitting on the defensive, Chris and Tyler go after the hive–the dark entity created when humans and demons join forces. When they disappear, Reese and the others must continue the hunt.
In a land of fog and fens, unicorns and wild men, Taerith stands at the crossroads of good and evil, where men are vanquished by their own obsessions or saved by faith in higher things.
After rescuing the Gypsies from the emperor’s destruction, the warrior farmers of Pravik have returned home. But peace is proving to be as dangerous as war.
As the Seventh World begins waking to unseen realities, the rise of the Gifted portends the coming of the King of ancient days—but evil is also waking.
When a dying friend shows up on her doorstep bearing the truth about the Seventh World—in the form of a written covenant with evil—Maggie is sent on a journey that will change her forever.