Quest of Fire: Devastation
With the added support of Libertias, hope is renewed for young Thomas Fenwrest and those dedicated to restoring Viceroy Ecthelion and the Commonwealth to Ecthelowall. That hope is short-lived. A terrible plague called the Devastation soon ravages the Restoration’s soldiers and allied lands. The Monarchists press the advantage and attack.
At the same time, a series of betrayals within the Restoration directly threaten the lives of Thomas’s beloved, Baroness Mia Sornfold, and his cousin, Heir Apparent Gregor Fenwrest. Thomas must risk everything to keep them safe even as the Restoration crumbles around him. Hiding within the mountainous lands of Albaron, they learn of a dark secret held deep in Albaron’s Wyvares region. If this terror is unleashed by the Monarchists, it will mean the end of the Restoration and death for thousands all across the Lowlands. To stop it, Thomas must face an awful truth: he may not be able to save both those he loves and stop the great evil. But to fail at either will destroy him.
Book 6 of the Quest of Fire series.
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