The Third Heaven: The Rise Of Fallen Stars
The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is book one of a three-part series that explores the fascinating story of the Fall of Lucifer.
Donovan M. Neal · January 2014 ·
for all adults, all teens+YA
The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars is book one of a three-part series that explores the fascinating story of the Fall of Lucifer.
Lucifer, God’s perfect creation. Yet a creation who rose up to betray his Lord and bring Heaven itself to civil war.
Many tales have referenced this great angelic war but few have sought to explore the dynamic relationships between God and the angelic hosts.
Why did a third of heaven seek to overthrow their creator? See Lucifer and his actions in a light never before seen.
Journey back to the beginning, and see the drama unfold before your eyes: as allegiances are broken; choices made, and why all of creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God!
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