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The Welkening

When four friends — bound together as misfits — are transported into an alternative dimension, they find that they’ve been rescued from one crisis only to be thrust into another. Meanwhile, a third story is developing in yet another realm. Young-adult fantasy by Gregory Spencer.
· July 2004 · for ,

A three-dimensional tale …

Four friends. Three worlds. Two crises. One quest.

When four friends — bound together as misfits — are transported into an alternative dimension, they find that they’ve been rescued from one crisis only to be thrust into another. In the mysterious land of Welken, they are immediately enmeshed in the struggle against a hungry evil that devours more than bodies — it consumes the very souls of its prey.

Meanwhile, a third story is developing in yet another realm — a seemingly simple tale of childlike characters and detective mysteries. As the misfits struggle to fulfill their tasks, all begins to converge. Will the four misfits discover their places in the divergent worlds? Will they learn how to “switch places” in time to stop the scourge of Welken? All depends on being in Welken and of Welken.

Fantasy for young adults, succeeded by Guardian of the Veil.

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