Book Discounts

Ebook discount offers from two independent publishers.

Below are two ebook discount offers you might be interested in.

marcher_lord_press_logo_to_2014Marcher Lord Press announced in their May newsletter that they are featuring Morgan Busse. Consequently, both her books will be available for a special price:

In tandem with the feature on Morgan Busse above, we are discounting all of her books for the entire month of May. Just head over to, where you can search by author and select Morgan.

In addition, for those who subscribe to the Marcher Lord Press newsletter, there’s an added savings when you input the special discount code.

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oaktara2012_1Publisher Oak Tara has launched a new program called Today’s Great Read/Hot Bargain which discounts Kindle ebooks for particular authors for a set period of time, the first day yielding the greatest discount.

Today begins the discount round for By Fire And Stars, Book 3 of the Chorillan Cycle, a Commonwealth Universe novel by Michelle Levigne. Book four, Chorillan, was featured here at Spec Faith April 25.

Here is the discount scale:
Day 1 (May 3) of the promotion: $1.99
Day 2 of the promotion: $2.99
Day 3 of the promotion: $3.99
Day 4 of the promotion returns to the regular ebook price (“still a great value for a terrific read!”): $4.99

Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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