Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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Stories That Twist A Genre: Paranormia Complex

Take Paul Regnier’s latest book, Paranormia Complex, for instance. This recent release is the second in a two-book series that I would label, inadequately, supernatural suspense, with a twist of humor. Rebecca LuElla Miller in June 2020

Fiction Friday: Frayed By Kerry Nietz

Frayed by Kerry Nietz is the winner of the Realm Award Book of the Year. Rebecca LuElla Miller in August 2017

The Button Girl—A Review

The Button Girl by Sally Apokedak is a digital young adult fantasy intended for the general audience. Rebecca LuElla Miller in June 2017

2017 Winter Writing Challenge Voting Reminder

In case you missed Monday’s post announcing the finalists, you can find it here. The entries appear in alphabetical order, determined by the last name of the authors. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017

2017 Winter Writing Challenge Status

Feel free to share the original 2017 Winter Writing Challenge post and to invite your friends and family to read and to give their thumbs up votes. The more input, the more feedback, the better. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017

Winter Writing Challenge Reminder

The 2017 Spec Faith Winter Writing Challenge will accept entries until midnight tomorrow, Sunday, January 15. That’s midnight Pacific time. Rebecca LuElla Miller in January 2017

Spec Faith 2016 Summer Writing Challenge – Evaluation Phase

To find the entries, follow one of the links in this article (such as this one). The entries are in the comments section of that post. Be sure to click on the “Explore More” button to see all of them. Rebecca LuElla Miller in August 2016

Introducing Spec Faith’s Newest Team Member

Zac is most active on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, and he’s also on Instagram and Goodreads. Of course, he’d love to have more visitors to his website. Rebecca LuElla Miller in November 2015

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