Christ and Pop Culture Reboots

The publication moves to the all-new
on Feb 24, 2014 · No comments


Once upon a time, Christ and Pop Culture1 had its own site. Then it jumped to the Patheos religious-blogs web ring.

Now it’s buh-bye Patheos, and hello sweet new webscape. Christ and Pop Culture is back in its own business.

I was reading CAPC long before I joined it. And I suggest that any Christian who cares about how we engage popular culture — all books, internet, movies, music, politics, TV, anything — should also keep up with CAPC.

A first-principle at CAPC applies to all biblical Christians: If you are a Christian, you are already engaging popular culture in some way and you cannot help it. I would add that this truth applies just as much to the attempting-self-sheltering cultural “fundamentalist” as to the most artistically aware smartphone-juggling “millennial.” You as a Christian are already “in the world” — not “the world” meaning this present sinful age, but in the world’s cultures including media, politics, religion, and storytelling.

Or as Richard Clark puts it in his relaunch announcement and mission statement:

We are in the world. And being in the world is messy. It results in a million personal, legal, ecclesiological, and social dilemmas that have no easy, biblically prescribed answer. It requires more than pat answers and easy-to-follow rules. It requires more of our leaders, more of our thinkers, more of our churches, and more of us as individuals. None of us are exempt.

[…] Christ and Pop Culture, for as long as it exists, is committed to encouraging and modeling cultural appreciation and critique with Christ’s work at the center, and Christ’s church as its patron.2

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast, and coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and other resources for fans and families. He and his wife, Lacy, live in the Austin area, where they serve in their local church. His first novel, a science-fiction adventure, arrives in 2025 from Enclave Publishing.

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