Introducing North! Or Be Eaten

North! Or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook) is nomination number fifteen on the 2010 CSA list . Genre. Young adult Christian fantasy Description. Second in the Wingfeather Saga. Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with […]

North! Or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook) is nomination number fifteen on the 2010 CSA list .

Young adult Christian fantasy

Second in the Wingfeather Saga.

    Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby thought they were normal children with normal lives and a normal past. But now they know they’re really the Lost Jewels of Anniera, heirs to a legendary kingdom across the sea, and suddenly everyone wants to kill them.
    In order to survive, the Igibys must flee to the safety of the Ice Prairies, where the lizardlike Fangs of Dang cannot follow. First, however, they have to escape the monsters (1) of Glipwood Forest, the thieving Stranders (2) of the East Bend, and the dreaded Fork Factory (3).

    But even more dangerous are the jealousies and bitterness that threaten to tear them apart, and Janner and his siblings must learn the hard way that the love of a family is more important than anything else.

    (1) All possessing very sharp teeth.
    (2) Murderous scoundrels, the lot.
    (3) Woe!

What others are saying:

    It has been a long time since I’ve read a book I’ve enjoyed as much as this one, and as a middle school English teacher, I’ve read a lot of this sort of fiction! The character development is so thorough – I got emotionally invested in the characters right away. There are strong Christian themes in this book, but it never gets heavy-handed, predictable or two-dimensional. In fact, Mr. Peterson paints a fantasy world that reflects the grim reality of sin that has broken our own world, but he does not leave out the fire-y, desperately beautiful, exhilarating truth of hope and love, too. Although I enjoyed the first book of the series, this one was substantially better, as it could build on what he created in the first. I hope this one becomes the classic it deserves to be, as something kids who love The Chronicles of Narnia can pick up when they are a little older. Bring on number three in the series!

    – Becky, reviewing at [editorial note: this is not me]

Christy Award Winner – Young Adult Category

Learn More.
Read an excerpt
Read CSFF Blog Tour articles – see complete list of links
Read reviews at Thegrouchyladybug’s Weblog and at Suite 101
Read interviews with Andrew Peterson at Title Trakk and Novel Journey

Obtain a Copy of North! Or Be Eaten:
from the author
from WaterBrook Multnomah
from Amazon
from Barnes & Noble

Other Formats.
Kindle edition
eBook from Barnes and Noble; from WaterBrook Multnomah

Look for or request a copy at a bookstore near you (ISBN# 978-1400073870)
Ask your local library to order a copy.

Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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