Introducing Superhero Novelist and New Lorehaven Writer Jason C. Joyner

This Thursday, Jan. 28, Jason C. Joyner’s first monthly article will lament 2020’s dearth of superhero stories, yet find much heroism to praise.
on Jan 27, 2021 · Share a reply

Watch this Thursday for our first article from young-adult superhero novelist and new Lorehaven writer Jason Joyner.

Jason C. Joyner is a physician assistant, a writer, a Jesus-lover, and a Star Wars geek. He’s traveled from the jungles of Thailand to the cities of Australia and the Bavarian Alps of Germany. He lives in Idaho with his lovely wife, three boys, and daughter managing the chaos of sports and superheroes in his own home. His young-adult superhero series Rise of the Anointed starts with Launch and continues in Fractures, both available now. Get updates at, or follow him on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

This Tursday, Jan. 28, Jason Joyner’s first monthly article will lament 2020’s dearth of superhero stories, yet find much heroism to praise.

1. Jason, how did you first discover biblical faith and fantastic stories?

Launch, Jason C. JoynerI grew up going to church, but it was youth group where I really made faith a priority. Living in a region where Bible-believing Christians were a huge minority sharpened my faith, forging it more than it may have been in other areas. Like a lot of ’80s/’90s kids, I first read Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness. The intensity of the story along with the unapologetic faith made an impact on me. When I started writing stories beyond fanfiction, in was natural to include faith no matter what I was creating. I started writing suspense, but my love of fantastical stories finally pushed through and I dove into writing superhero and science fiction stories.

2. What stories are you enjoying presently, nonfiction and fiction?

I’ve been trying to diversify this year. On audiobook I’m finishing Sabaa Tahir’s Ember series, enjoying how she uses myth to create atmosphere for her story world. I’ve read more non-fiction this year than the last few, trying to learn about some of the issues facing our world, like Benjamin Watson’s Under Our Skin. Finally, a name you’ll need to watch for in 2022 is Becky Dean. She’s my critique partner, and she’s nabbed contracts for her space opera series and a Big Five (Four?) contract for a YA contemporary. Her stories always entertain.

3. What are your fantastic goals for the future?

Too bad I’m past 42 years old …

My purpose is always to glorify God. Right now that’s accomplished by working as a physician assistant for a government agency (shh) and continuing as a storyteller. My Mastermind writing group has something exciting we’re preparing for 2021. After my young-adult superhero series concludes this year, I’ll continue working on a space opera project.

Look for Jason Joyner’s first article, “How A Year Without Superhero Films Rebooted Our Universe,” this Thursday, Jan. 28 at is created by biblical Christian fans and storytellers to explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Use our powerful book search engine to find great Christian-made fantastical fiction for your family—sorting by young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that go deeper into fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to get resources by email and join the Guild!

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