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148. Why Do Some Christians Revile ‘The Chosen’? | with Josiah DeGraaf and Jenneth Dyck

Critics of biblical fiction forget our need for Christian imagination, not only to preach sermons but also to worship Jesus with public creativity.
Fantastical Truth on Feb 7, 2023 · Series: · Reply

The Chosen biblical drama series is headed back to theaters to conclude season 3. Somehow this season, above all, we’ve seen a lot more criticism of the show. Are these creators trying to replace the true Christ with a TV Jesus? Aren’t they adding to Scripture and supplanting the local church? Is this Mormon propaganda? We’ll return to this fantastical-adjacent series to explore the purpose of biblical fiction, and debunk some of the misunderstandings and plain lies about these kinds of stories. Two guest stars join this roundtable discussion.

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  1. Sky Turtle Press: The Fairie Queene fundraiser
  2. The Dragon Slayer Chronicles by Carey Green
  3. Realm Makers 2023 conference

Josiah DeGraafIntroducing Josiah DeGraaf

Josiah DeGraaf is a literature nerd who loves epic fantasy stories with imaginative worlds and authentic characters. He loves crafting fantastical stories about characters who face the same dilemmas we do when we try to do the right thing. You can download his short story collection for free to read about ordinary people struggling to be heroic when suddenly gifted with supernatural powers.

Jenneth DyckIntroducing Jenneth Dyck

Jenneth Dyck is a dyslexic writer, illustrator, and designer who creates professional book covers for indie authors and small press publishers. She thinks way too deeply about superhero movies. These stories, plus quantum physics, angels, and the fourth dimension are regular topics of discussion at her dinner table. She holds degrees in professional writing and digital media with an M.A. in graphic design.

Concession stand

  • This one could be really sensitive, folks. We’re also trying a roundtable!
  • All that to say, like The Chosen itself, you’ll likely disagree with some of it.
  • Lorehaven often emphasizes creative acts as primarily worship of Jesus.
  • Christians often defend art/worship by appealing to Practical Ministry.
  • Aim for worshiping Jesus, and you get Practical Ministry thrown in.
  • Aim for Practical Ministry, ignoring worship/obedience, you get neither.
  • We build on Stephen’s Discerning Biblical Fiction series and two articles.
  • And of course, we see biblical fiction as a “cousin” to fantastical fiction.

1. Can non-Christians help us make great stories?

2. Why and how do Christians make biblical fiction?

3. Will nonbeliever fans corrupt Christian stories?

Quotes and notes

On our Facebook page, one reader wrote:

There is a SIGNIFICANT difference between Aslan and another clearly fictionalized “Jesus”, and a fictionalization of the REAL Jesus. The Chosen blends truth, fantasy, AND Mormon teachings into one package. In other words, it INTENTIONALLY blurs the line between faithfulness and fiction in a way that is incredibly difficult for even a cautious believer to discern. Unfortunately, it’s being consumed by a vast number of people who are using to “learn more about Jesus” with little to no discernment applied. I know people recommending it to unchurched or new believers as a way to learn about the Life of Christ.

In the end of the day, what Aslan says is STILL only what Aslan says, but words falsely attributed to Christ Himself muddy His actual teachings no matter how well intentioned they are.

Dallas Jenkins’s 2019 defense of The Chosen

Lorehaven mission log

Com station

C. L. Stansberry replied to Elijah David’s Magician Nephew’s piece:

Thank you for this. My family has experienced many losses including the death of my son last April after a long battle with a rare neurodegenerative disease (he was 17 with the mind of a 4-year-old). I feel God’s love, compassion, and comfort. My hope is that in the novel I’m writing, I’ll be able to express the goodness and sovereignty of God that others may see and experience.

In the Fantastical Truth podcast from Lorehaven, hosts E. Stephen Burnett and Zackary Russell explore fantastical stories for God's glory.

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    Fantastical Truth

    Lorehaven explores fantastical stories for God's glory: fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond.

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